Chapter Seven

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"You did what??! Why on earth would you messege her?"
"Listen I was drunk, she looked beautiful that's it! Watching her alone is apparently not enough when I get drunk.. No need to act all gobsmacked, it was a self destruct messege and her sister didn't see it so we're safe. Noone would believe her anyway." He tries to make excuse for his mistake that could have been lethal which was luckily avoided. Talking while making necessary incisions to get access to kidneys was even more frustrating with a spinning head. Night was still alive and perhaps they celebrated too soon.
"Look, you're the mastermind I don't wanna get in between money and prison, done that been there, not fun. We're just on verge to get all our money and leave why complicate things?! Control your damn manhood in there you'd get plenty of opportunities once we leave. "
" Shut up will ya I gotta remove liver next without slightest of damage... They pay for it. " That shuts the other one and Victor goes back on his cutting and sewing.
" How many more bodies are left? "
" 3 more " Andre states blankly
That earns some cursing and groan from Victor
In the background was a supposedly loud machine churning all body parts into one big mass which was intended to be sold in sausages
Victor was the mastermind who absolutely hated letting go anything to waste. He knew the cost of every part eyes, skin, kidney, liver lung tissue every freaking thing in human body costed a worth he knew by heart. He was a brilliant doctor with a twisted mind and heartless soul.. All he cared for was money, money and just pretty money. To be a normal responsible human being is too much to bear when little rashness, little inhumanity could take you way up the ladder he used to say. Needless to say he followed his own advice religiously. Saving lives , performing tiring surgeries, washing intestines was too tedious when a little cutting on freshly dead person with little precision was enough to get organs, 10 - 15 minutes play and it landed way more money than being a traditional surgeon.
He was happy when he found Andre on his way to unearth humanity. He gave Andre a false name , afterall fake names were in fashion. . Their fake names carried their other personality that they showed the world. Calling the other name altered their behavior as well..
Andre was a hardcore blood and gore lover, he was fascinated to see Victor cut out organs and would enjoy the voices of churning bones. He was 3 years in jail for murdering 9 children in his hometown before he broke free.
Victor was elated when he found Andre , business was in bloom for Andre was far effective in killing than Victor.
Victor was a devil indeed but sometimes he felt numb to his core when he'd see his victims plead. He faltered a bit to kill after killing it was an easy job. How doctors are hardwired to save lives meant a little afterall to Victor for he struggled to kill people but when Andre came along, Victor was left to work on bodies which for him was cheesework .
It worked very well for them both. Dee was one of their victims and for the record it was first time when Andre let somebody live.
He saw the engravement of little number on Dee's wrist and immediately understood the person had indeed been in prison.
Dee stared at Andre lifelessly as if urging him to kill. Seeing such lost and dispared eyes somewhere reminded him of his past and it was the first time when he asked his victim to join him. Victor took him under his wing as he was surprised to see Andre bring someone plus they can use him as a delivery guy. He didn't want to upset Andre or loose him so he agreed on keeping Dee.
Quickly Dee became the new member who had some humanity left in midst of his lifeless eyes. He hated seeing Victor cut open people or Andre killing them ruthlessly . All he did was the job to contact dealers and transport the required organs which left him feeling worse than ever.. Earlier, he worked in graveyard, buried many nameless people but never would have thought about killing anyone. He fought to not show his disgust.
Dee was arrested wrongly, accused on someone else's account that took away all the innocence and life off him but to stay and live among people worse than monsters nauseated him to his core.. He had never hurted anyone in his life and here he was carrying people's organs, he felt sick utterly disgusted by his own condition. He saw Victor and Andre as nothing but demons despite Andre treating Dee as his brother that wasn't any justification to let him kill people Dee would tell himself. He was patiently waiting for a chance to strike on them but given Victor's cunningness had little chance and was almost caught this evening while leaving a letter at their target's place. They had other job during daytime a quite refined one to say where they don't kill but loot people of their logic and well, property..

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