Chapter 43

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Chapter 43
Rose lost count of the time she was in. She felt alive in only her trunk area, her aching stomach and stretched bladder kept reminding her that she was awake. She lost sensation due to lack of blood to the ends of her limbs.
She had nothing to do and with the broken leg it was hard to move even a millimeter. She was bored out of her mind. She could not die such a stupid death, she always imagined dying if that had to be it would be while she was saving Josh's ass.
She noticed how much she missed him and promised Josh in her mind that she'd come to meet him after she died if that was possible.
A laugh threatened to escape her when she thought of how would Mel react when she'd see her ghost. She suddenly had an urge to laugh out loud if only she was able to move the damn mask.
She would miss mom and dad despite them being control freaks for Mel she loved them so much that it hurt or perhaps it was just her leg.
Aahhh she wanted to meet Jason one last time. Oh and have the chocolate frost pastery. She recalls the shape, colour, taste and texture of the pastery, never had she thought mere thought of food and the ability to imagine food would give her such pleasure.

She was ready to slip into yet another slumber when she heard a faint gasp from someone. Her pores shrinked at the knowledge of someone else's presence in the room. She got anxious as she heard quick steps towards her.
Before she could react to the yanking of her hands perhaps someone was opening the tight knots, she want to scream thank you but perhaps it was too much stress and she slipped away from her consciousness this time relieved at the idea that perhaps she might be alive. The thought was predominant before she slipped in abyss of darkness.
"Call Josh he might create a scene at her sight and ofcourse the ambulance too. Immediately."
Rose could hear voices distinctly, she felt her eyes free without cloth straining against her eyes and no sticky thing on her mouth. She could feel her legs too, the blood flow seemed to have found a way but the throbbing in her leg was more than ever, she wanted to cry out in pain but she didn't had any energy left in her to do that. She tried to open her eyes but this itself drained her of her remaining energy.
"CHRIST! OH MY GOD! WHAT THE HELL. " she could hear Josh's voice and she wanted to cry out in happiness only if she could open her damn eyes.
She could feel the warmness of Josh's hand and wanted to soak up his presence, she felt safe and was overjoyed to be in his arms. She could feel her hands getting wet and she knew it would be Josh crying. He kept hugging her awkwardly before shouting, "Where's the damn ambulance?! Did you not call the ambulance??!"
The officer who called Josh said, "apparently you reached faster than the ambulance."
Rose feels a sharp pain shooting up her leg as Josh assess it and a faint cry escapes her surprising her in turn. She forgot she was capable of producing voice.
Josh looks grimly at the officer before snapping again.
" Call again stop looking at my face, her leg is broken thankfully she's in pain." the officer looked at Josh confusingly.
While Rose ranted internally on what a BAKA was he being happy to see her in pain.
As if voicing her internal thoughts he says and answering a very confused and now the officer was suspiciously looking at Josh," That ensures she has no loss of sensation, stop looking at me like that. I am a doctor!"

This is too much I have to do something before I turn monster like them. When Dee entered the building to take boxes, he heard a light whimper from the door beside. To see if he could save any victim he opened the door and saw Rose. Her face exceptionally pale, eyes closed, arms covered in dried blood from various cuts across her arm and there was a subsequent amount of blood pool near her leg. He could see her one leg was at a weird angle from the ankle. He knew he has to do something before she looses her life which she really looked like. He picked her in his arms and zoomed in his vehicle to reach police station since her home was not a very safe place.
He left her on the bench infront of police station by the time the guard reached to see what he was doing unloading a body from his vehicle, he quickly sat in and speeded up while the guards shouted for him to wait. He hated police from his guts. He was prisoned without reason, tortured without reason, blamed without reason. There wasn't any investigation to prove him innocent, there wasn't anything he could do because the people who stashed him in crime were not only rich but also powerful. They were minister's people and he was a nobody. Despite his hate for the system it was high time he had to do something.
Before leaving Rose he slipped a note in her hand.
The guard took what he saw like a folded paper in the lady's hand. The letter was written in a scribbled script that was hard to understand but the guard managed to read somehow.

I am the man who left this woman here. I mean no harm. I hate police. You people are nothing but pawns to rich people.
Save this lady. I'll be back tomorrow with proof against those who did this.
I was prisoned, tortured and bullied for no reason, being the reason why police is appointed make sure to sentence the criminals for life no wait they killed hundreds almost a slow massacre even thousand deaths won't be enough. This lady here dared to know truth, dared to fight for justice, this is what happened to her. Perhaps it's the world where evil thrives.

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