Chapter Twelve

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"Mr Rodriguez, there's no match for your kidney at the moment and this is the fifth time you've been asking. I believe you've been told about the email that you'd receive the moment we find you a candidate."
" I am willing to pay triple the price what's the issue? There definitely might be some stored! "
Rita had little patience left to deal with such braggart mongrel.
She was on duty and just took a breadth of relief after completing a complicated whipple surgery only to be hammered by her infamously wealthy patient. He even threatened to purchase her yesterday , if it would have been on her, she'd already had taken and donated his heart to someone deserving.
"Sir please try to understand. Kidneys are not sausages to be stored." she said calmly inhaling deeply and exhaling all her frustrations.
" I thought it's the best hospital, supposedly a rumor spread by your people. One more day of dialysis and it won't be good for your position. I know the trustees! " he snorts, disgusted at the idea of dialysis.
You belong to the streets your majesty, Rita wanted to shout, freakin idiot had little clue, the main member of trustees was her own father!
" I am sorry for the inconvenience caused to you but to match an organ for transplant ain't child's play, we have to match all sorts of values and a little mistake could cause worse immune response and it can lead to rejection of the organ altogether.. Ahh such a waste to go through all the pain only to die.. Terrible fate , don't you think Mr. Rodriguez?
That seems to have done the trick. She smiles inwardly looking at his pale face.
"OK, check all the values correctly. I don't want to go through all the trouble only for it to repeat. I have a whole fine company to run.. this won't do. When would I get the kidney?"
"When clinically donor's and your kidney would match to maximum. It can take from a day to months. I am no fortune-teller to tell you that."
Fortunately he leaves her without any further drilling.

Finally free! She shouts in her head.
She was about to leave for a brake when she remembers her brother too was on duty today. She calls him hoping for him to be done with his work as well. He picks on fourth ring
" Hey Josh.. are you done in OT?"
"Well apparently but I am really busy today I have to make few assessments."
"I was thinking about pizza. My treat."
"30 min that's it."
"Done. We'd be over and out in 30."
"OK, see you at entrance."

"Someone's been too busy... You didn't call me! Busy with your lover?"
"I have been really busy Rita, not lying.. and FYI she's my best friend not lover."
"I did not even mentioned who and look at you! Who are you even kidding? I was scorched by your boths passion at that dinner party."
"We ain't each other's type you know how she is.. a journalist afterall."
"What's with you and journalists really last time I checked you were drooling at her."
"She is a student still not even into investigating yet and here you are complaining about how little time she's investing. Look at you all wrapped up!"
"Rita, for her to find truth is much more than any other relation. She is wrapped up in whatever stories this messed up world has to offer. Right now she has her own problems but I tell you she's working on a secret project I tell ya."
"It ain't secret if you know it."
" I have passwords to all her devices,she didn't tell me... I figured out myself!"
Rita laughs at seeing her brother all puffed up keeping up to date on a girl he claims to have remote interest in.

"You are more into investigating than her!"
"Ahh whatever. I do what I have to. Halfway through she'd definitely ask me for help. I am just being prepared."  he retorts with a sigh.
Rita then starts discussing about her today's whipple surgery. Josh listens intently. He'd never done that surgery before and for him the procedure was fascinating.

" Oh Martha! I am so sorry you had to wait for so long.. we had no clue about your visit. We slept really late don't even remember when actually, see your brother is still sleeping like a baby."
"No worries at all! We were just thinking about spending some quality time. How have you been??"
"Before that we are about to offer a little something ." Bob inserts, Martha smiles on que excitedly.
"We were thinking about spending vacations on cruise, a friend of mine has recently purchased a beautiful resort, I sealed the deal and as a token of thanks he offered me 2 weeks cruising and I can bring maximum of ten people! We would love to have you guys with us plus my parents would be coming as well. It would be the best family time we would create down our memory lanes! "
" Wow! That's a huge offer, there's nothing to deny I bet you'd soon hear Melissa and Rose screaming with excitement. Mel's sleeping, rose might have gone to her room yesterday. I'll check on her. "
" Oh she's sleeping came back tired after visiting her friends place early in morning, she was awake when we arrived. How would we enter else wise " speaks up flusteredly "she had  some project filming or something of that sort. She came just fifteen minutes before you woke up. Said she was not feeling well and would like to sleep."
"Oh... I'll check her for fever then."
Mother sounds anxious thinking about Rose. Enters Rose's room to see her sleeping, checks for fever but Rose was drenched in cold sweat, her mother removes the blanket and with utmost silence asks Martha what's wrong with Rose for the fear of being heard by her husband. Martha smiles
" She seems low on sugar that's it, no worries, she's fine. She just came home, mumbled something incoherent really and went to sleep. Looks like work has taken toll on her. Let her sleep. She'd be charged 100 percent after a good sleep. Let's talk about arrangements for trip. It's day after tomorrow!"
"Oh my that's early!!"

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