Chapter 38.

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"Mom where's Remy?"
"I don't know Mel, did you not see him outside?"
"No, well I'll see him around."
Deborah was happy to see Mel getting invested in someone for the first time on top of it Remy seemed an absolutely lovely kid. He understood Mel and took care of her thoughts. Deborah always feared where would she be able to find such a guy and thanked Jesus everyday for having given them Remy. Now all she worried about was Rose, Deborah was well aware of how wild Rose was and it troubled her over who would be able to manage her daughter while she was thinking this Josh's face flashed infront of her. She knew Josh and Rose were sweethearts since childhood and while Rose always acted on whim, Josh on the other hand happened to be steady as rock. He treated Rose like a child and who could blame him, Rose was a child, full of energy and unusually high expectations. Deborah never understood why Noah suddenly stopped talking to his beloved friend, while he didn't have any direct aggression over Josh he certainly had one for Josh's father. Despite asking the reason a thousand times Noah denied any explanation and all he did was cut off all the ties with Josh's father altogether. She worried if Noah would ever agree on having Rose with Josh. She wonders where Jason was. It'd been decades ago she saw him.
"Hello Mel! Where are you running to?"
"There you are! I literally looked everywhere for you! I've been here before as well you weren't here."
"I was sitting under the buffet, it's covered thats why you weren't able to see me before." Remy said glumly.
"Were you playing hide and seek alone? What happened you don't look happy."
Remy hugs Mel sobbing in the crook of her neck. She clutches her as though she was the anchor to his dear life. When Remy lost his brother he lost his family as well, his parents did a great job at abandoning him and his brother when young. Years of struggle from Willson, sacrifice of self was what resulted in him completing his school and studies. Willson was given way less than the other employees at the company where he worked because of the lack of his education but that didn't mean he worked less, everyone piled him with their work schedules and he did way more than an average employee. Everyone offered condolences to him after Willson left but he hardly doubted they even felt a thing or an ounce of guilt for using Wilson like a rug or wait maybe they did for themselves at the loss of their faithful servent who mopped messes everyone created.
"I had a bad dream Mel, it was so bad that I was not able to stop shivering. Please don't leave me, I'm all alone, please don't leave me, please." Remy's voice was pleading and barely above whisper. When Mel tried to look at him he refused to move and buried himself deeper in her embrace. Mel found herself patting Remy's back in circles after a good while Remy's sobs died down and when he looked at her all she could see was a vulnerable child in Remy.
She wiped his tears, and didn't realize tears were rolling down her face as well, Remy wiped hers.
"Why are you crying?" Mel asked
"Why are you crying?" Remy countered.
"I'm crying because you are. Tell me what's going on in that head of yours."
"I don't want to see you faint again." Remy said steadying his breath.
"I promise I won't. Is it about Willson?" she asks weary of the possibility, he nods and she quickly prepares herself for hearing what may.
"Tell me I'm here for you." Mel continues moving her hand in circle over Remy's upper arm.
"I'm an orphan Mel and it's so painful to the extent where I just don't feel like living anymore. I can't without Willson. My job, the apartment, everything I have is because of Will, without him the house haunts me. What would I do after I finish this trip. I don't want to go back home. "
A tear rolls down Remy's cheek to which he hastily wipes before continuing.
" I saw a horrible dream. "
" Tell me about it Remy, don't hold back, let tears flow maybe they'd lessen the agony that your heart is in."
" I saw a room it was dimly lit but suddenly there sparked light in the middle of the room. It was like the lights over person who's undergoing an operation. Beneath the lights on the table layed Will, my brother. He was alive I know, I could see his chest moving , I tried to wake him up but nothing happened, then there came a person he was dressed as a surgeon, I begged him to save my brother but it looked like he was not able to here me and he moved towards Will, he cut Will open without putting any oxygen mask or anything, I wanted to tell him, stop him from cutting my brother open but I was not able to touch him. There was other person at the door staring at my blood covered brother with the most creepy smile.
I tried to do everything to stop them but I was not able to touch them and they were deaf to my cries. The person cut open through to my brothers heart and took it away, kept it in a box and handed it to the man who was standing at the door. He took away the box, I tried stopping him, the person had my brothers heart I needed to get it anyhow, he left in car and I tried to chase after it. When I returned back to the room, the person was cutting open flank area and there was a box beside him where I saw one liver already, there were two other boxes as well. I was helpless I tried hitting the person do everything but nothing happened. I was left to watch my brother bleed to death while someone was collecting organs from my brother. I could not begin to explain what it was like. I don't wanna live Rose, I don't wanna live. What if this is all true, what if this is how my brother lost his life, when I saw Will's body I could see his body was sewn. When I asked the doctor he said he performed autopsy and the cause was hemorrhage in brain but I could not see any marks on his head, I dont even remember  granting permission or signing for autopsy. I paid little mind to anything engulfed in my own grief but I never thought something like this would have happened with Willson. He was the most kind human I'm telling you Rose. He was murdered. He was murdered, he was murdered, he was murdered. " Remy chants the last line as the ultimate truth. He looked extremely pale and aghast, his lips were now forming words without voice and he was shaking all over. His hands felt ice cold against Mel's and he was shaking all over with an intensity that'd make one think if he was about to undergo a seizure.
Mel could not move while she tried hard to calm Remy whispering assurances she knew what he saw was the truth and while she was trying to make him stop shiver she realized she was the one shivering more then Remy. Remy was in trance and had a far off look.
She was thankful that they were sitting and she tried to manage her own breathing and control herself from shaking. She remembers when she saw Willson that day he made all sorts of actions to emphasize that he was the one who underwent everything and she mistook that he wanted to cut her open and take her organs.
Aunt Martha came near them and never in her life was she so happy to see Martha more as a doctor than her aunt.
Martha immediately catches on the shaking and starts checking Remy's eyes that Mel notices from an awkward angle being all rolled up, she could see his clear whites and she whispers to Martha , " Save him doctor."

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