Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

When the all the records and documents get ransacked they understand that half of them were fake and made on other dates. All the people with loss were offered handsome pay in return to shut their mouths but apparently few were there who grieved their child more than the others and they happen to gave their statements against the hospital.
With their help and the inside help from the son of the very owner of healthcare it was easy to see what went in the walls of operation theaters.
Josh planted micro cameras with audio devices in things that were never looked upon twice but stayed in the room none the less. In the narrow space beside air conditioners and decorative pieces.
Everything was covered with nets to conquer the injustice that happened behind walls of his hospital.
Meanwhile despite Rose  protested to not let her face known, media seemed to create a big platform to praise Rose. Showing her pictures everywhere she was claimed a hero without cape.
Miller was prisoned for life and all his property was confiscated.
Now while she waited to catch the culprit in hospital who supposedly was a big player in the game of organ trafficking, she feared for the process to fasten since not many days were left for her family to end the voyage. Thankfully in the past few days their network was total packed and they were not aware of any news.
Rose was deep in thought, engrossed deep in her thoughts and kept chugging water at leisure, she failed to notice a presence behind her. A soft cloth was pressed against her nose and she slipped into unconsciousness.

"I don't care about anything. I have been nothing but a cooperative and honored civilian and so has Rose, hell the girl went risking her life every minute she investigated against these monsters while you guys were in these air conditioned cabinets.  What we asked was a small request of not letting the media know, look now Rose is missing and it's been 3 hours you don't have a slightest clue so as to where she is! Let me tell you I will sue everyone if I see as much as a scratch on her." Josh shouts at the chief officer rage filled in his words and anger flowing through his veins. He snapped at the wooden table infront.
" The team has already been dispatched and I'm repeating this again we did not leaked the info about Rose as you requested."
"Clearly news is stating otherwise."
"I understand what you are going through at the moment and I assure you that we'd find her in next twenty four hours."
Josh angrily leaves the office smacking the door behind him.

"She's beautiful Victor."
"Ah-uh  dangerous that's what she is."
"What do you want to do now? Kill her? Shall we turn her into sausage, she looks delicious."
André said literally salivating at the idea.
"Won't that be too easy, she took Miller down, my 40 percent client. No way in hell does she deserve such an easy escape. Tie her eyes incase she wakes up."
"As you say."
Rose could feel lack of blood flow in the tips of her fingers, her eyes were tied with something, all she could see was black. She sat still trying to figure out her surroundings. Suddenly she heard someone screaming for help till the cries were just a whisper. She knew what it was, just as those which she heard in one of the vedio.
That's it she was about to die for her damn liver.
Despite her wanting to diminish a whimper escaped her, she felt something was wrong with her leg, she knew it had to be badly injured to make her feel like that . Earlier while they stuffed her, one of her legs got smashed while Andre carelessly closed the door with more force hardly looking at what was causing it from closing in the first place. When he noticed it was the leg of the girl he just kept in the backseat he carelessly pulled her leg inside and closed the door. Not realising the intense throbbing pain in the leg while unconscious now surfaced and a literal cry of horror escaped her when she tried moving her leg.
That definitely made Andre look from the door towards Rose while Victor continued cutting upon the fresh person who was taking last of his breaths.
"My my looks like the princess has awaken."
Rose's ears stand in attention. She had heard this voice before most definitely, she knew it, she had heard it before though a bit more in softer tone it was the same person's voice just a bit more harsh and rough at the moment. Who might it be. Her brain starts thinking in circles trying to give face to the voice.
André advances near her a thrill of excitement runs down his spine, energy surged through him when he heard her scream seconds before. He loved women on top of it screaming women were his favorites. He ran a knife across her face lightly, desperately wanting to penetrate it through that flawless skin. Rose was unable to stop quivering.
Andre knew she was Victor's toy but he could not stop himself. He moves the knife on her arm and draws blood the way a blood drop slides across the arm from the wound mesmerized Andre while Rose was about to shut down and have a heart attack thinking what was next.
He went on to make a few more scrapes down her arm just to watch the slow trickling of blood.
It was Victor who snatched the knife from Andre.
"What do you think you are doing?" Victor snapped and Rose could swear it was a more common of the two voices. She has heard this one definitely way more than once. Why was she so slow when it came to voices, she was seconds away from recognizing the monsters who made her send her family away and roam in disguise.
"She needs to know her place, she is way more worth than 10 of our clients combined. Don't be a fool you already did enough damage." Victor said eyeing her leg twisted at a wierd angle.
"Hah! I just happened to make sure she won't run away" Andre said laughing before continuing "and stop complaining it's not like I slit her throat or something I was just having a little fun. It ain't even that deep, just a few scrapes" Andre said eyeing the the cuts he made on her upper arms.
"Go collect the parts, where's Dee? Call him for delivery."
Rose tries to stay motionless and get her breathing under check.
All her tears seemed to wet the cloth that tied her eyes. Noway in hell was she gonna beg for life to these monsters. If she was gonna die she'd rather die in dignity but before that she needed to make sure they get caught. Something there has to be something. She needed to do something, she needed to see their faces.
"Stay in the place you are and you may get the chance to see the world again, do anything and you've no idea what I'm capable of doing. You are a gorgeous piece of meat I myself want to taste you and not the way you think, I wonder how much would your parents or that boyfriend of yours are gonna pay. "
Rose chose to remain silent. Not a word came out of her.
She could hear their footsteps get farther away from her.
She strained her neck to stay awake but soon slipped into consciousness once again. When she woke up she tried hearing the faintest of voices but none, she felt something sticky on her mouth and knew it had to be the damn tape.
She tried wetting the tape loosening it little by little, it'd been hours she was without water and it was hard to produce even the little amount of saliva she so desperately wanted. After many efforts she wetted the whole tape wherever her tongue allowed her. She still needed arms to take it off, she tried blowing air onto it loosening it further. She tried speaking and her voice sounded like that of a robot due to the tape.
She wanted to pee so bad and damn her stomach might be eating itself by the amount of hunger she was feeling.
She tried moving her leg, making her bite her tongue for the fear of letting out a scream. She was confident that it was broken.

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