Chapter 34

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"I absolutely deny to sleep on floor!" Jason says taken aback.
"This is my house, my rules plus it's not like you are gonna sleep directly on floor, I offered you a blanket!"
"Is this how you treat your guest?! And where would Rose sleep on couch? Just so you could spread on that bed!"
"She will sleep on the bed and I would sleep on couch."
"Why? Ain't the bed big enough to accommodate all of us?" Josh and Jason stare at her unable to believe what their ears just heard. Seeing no response Rose continues, "we managed sleeping like a civilian without poking out each others eyes . I think we'd be fine."
"You slept with this idiot?!" Jason questions appalled at the mere idea of Rose and Josh together. If she'd had been someone else it'd have been a different matter but turns out it's Rose anyway.
"Yes! Your brother has a pathetic couch."
"The bed ain't that big either!" Jason retorts frustrated with Rose.
"We manage." Josh interjects smirking at Jason.
If it was possible they could see heat coming off Jason.
"Ya you're right we won't be able to manage on bed with you two being the giants. Well what we could do is you both sleep on bed and I'll manage on couch. I'd be fine."
Josh and Jason both shout an abrupt, "No!"
"Comeon present a better plan." Rose says already tired fighting over who'll sleep where game.
"You sleep with me like EVERYDAY and Jason will sleep on couch!" Josh stresses on the word everyday when all they slept was once in the same bed when both of them were so low on energy that even floor would have been fine.
"Absolutely not!"
Rose gives up and grabs a bag stuffs her clothes and goes to door when she opens the knob do the two bickering hot heads realise Rose was about to leave.
"Where do you think are you leaving?"
"To the farmhouse there are enough beds over there."
Josh runs and manages to snatch her bag away.
"Get inside this instant, you are absolutely not allowed to go anywhere without me! Whoever that cold blooded criminal is, he has seen you and we need to be careful, you cannot go outside looking like Rose!" Josh rants in anguish.
"He's an idiot but he's got the point."
"OK fine, I'll do the makeup disguise and then leave."
Josh does not allow her to open the door again after he dragged her an inch inside the doorstep with efforts worth hundreds of calories.
"You come here, we both will sleep on floor and you sleep on bed, alright! Get your arse here now."
That happens to do the trick and Rose jumps on bed.
"Cool I don't mind. Suit yourselves."

Josh hated Jason even more for making him sleep on floor. Throughout night they fought for the larger side of the blanket. The soft snores of Rose were more than evident of Rose's peaceful sleep while they were having difficulties aligning their backs on the floor.
"Why would you have only one bed?!"
"Um because I live alone.."
"Why don't you stay at our house anymore. I thought you, dad sister all lived together."
"She too has her own place, dad lives alone."
"Ohh, don't you feel bad for him?"
"For what should I? He got married
They both got an idea about the same time when Josh made a run for the couch.
Jason wanted to scream frustratedly.
" Fine I'll just sleep with Rose. " Jason says moving a step closer to the bed threateningly.
" Floor sounds just about right." Josh goes back to the spot from before. Jason does the same. After a lot of tossing over Jason finally fell asleep. Josh double checked him being asleep and went to couch.

Jason woke up when he realized no tugging of his blanket and a sharp pain at his ankle being flexed in a weird way against the floor.
He tried to sleep again but sleep escaped him and sighing he got up. He even fought for the bedside lamp to be switched on since he was not used to sleeping in total darkness.
He got up and looked at Rose. She looked like a child while sleeping. She was curled up forming the womb position. His hands itched to pinch her cheeks again but he controlled his unnecessary urges.
He loved to play with her, despite her being small she played amazingly well in chess and badminton that happened to be his favorites. He remembers how she used to start crying when her parents used to take her away from the court. Man he missed playing with her no puns intended he laughed at his own thoughts.
He could not believe his eyes, what did his mind thought, she could not be little forever..
He moved her curls and tucked them behind her ears. He never once felt the way he was feeling at the moment about her. He was possessive and protective about her while young like a big brother as her parents always said you're her big brother. He loved playing with her, running barefoot on grass to catch her, play hide and seek. His childhood's best memories were the ones with Rose and he smiled fondly remembering them.
At the moment though he was feeling different about her now if anyone would come and say y you're her big brother he sure would show them a good time. He never thought his feelings for Rose would change over time but then again he left when she was six and he eleven maybe they wouldn't had changed had he always been there, he would have always took the role of being her brother but now all he could see was an adorable woman and before he woke her up with his staring voodoo he went to check on his data and all the messages from team. Maybe sleep would be an issue if they were gonna stay together and that was what gnawed his brain when he finished checking updates.

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