Chapter Three

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"Rosie dear your mother and I have few things that need to be taken care of, here, show this cross to every corner of this house... You shall be protected read the Bible till we return"
My mom nods to emphasize father's words and hands me Bible
Ya ya get a cancer and still my parents would hand me Bible.!
"OK, take care"
They really do think I'd show cross to every freakin corner of this house.... My word! How could someone's mind be this numbed by religion?! Rose starts looking around Mel's things, she finds few tablets lying in drawer. She's quick enough to Google them, turns out they were sleeping pills
'ahh this genius has started taking sleeping pills... Explains why she's lying down like sleeping beauty!' She so badly wanted to wave the pills infront of her parents and state that.. Hah! It's no Satan's work, literate people call it medication!
Rose calls her best friend Josh
"You free Josh?"
"Why wouldn't I be for you my queen? Though I have to clear someone's bowels and after that remove a tumor as well but for time being I'm all yours!"
"Enough of your melodrama.. I want you to come and see Mel. Take her blood for analysis as well. You know my parents well. They never once took us to hospital, never once! Please hurry come quick.
" Sure thing I'll be on my way "

" Well that was quick!"
"Ofcourse dummy I know my priorities.. where's Mel?"
"Upstairs in her room, she's been sleeping since 4 hours by now, I saw sleeping pills in her drawer.. I have no clue why she got them and for heaven sake how can she be so careless to just toss it in drawer my parents ain't violent but they'd skin her for using medicines! Religion and Science should be two sides of same coin and not two coins of different currency! "
Josh took blood from Mel
" Well Well, can't agree more, here hold this "gives her filled syringe before emptying into container.. Checks Mel's heart rate... Definitely tachycardia, REM stage of sleep and had sweat forming on her forehead if awake she'd be having anxiety attack right now...
" hmm, well I can't tell you anything yet there are no complains, patient's history... Nothing! what should I work on..."
"her blood" Rose said blankly
"Most definitely genius but to provide a proper diagnosis I do require her to tell me her complaints, difficulties yada yada, and here you didn't even tell me what's wrong? Why you called me in first place. What exactly urged you to think oh my God that's not normal, I mean you and your sister are all but normal --
Gets a lightly smacked by Rose. She looked grim finding Josh anything but amazing. Her expressions meant no nonsense and Josh was smart enough to avoid next blow "my love, blood analysis is a rich clue for diagnosis but not enough and God forbid if it's psychological considering she's your sister afterall, in that case I'd be as useful as Dobby in not letting Harry go Hogwarts. I am a surgeon sweetheart let's hope she remains in my terrain . Either way no worries I'm no less than Dumbledore, you shall definitely be rewarded with diagnosis since you knocked my door--"
" How about me knocking you down if you don't shut up, can't you see I'm not in mood for any of your words, don't waste your punches. I am worried Josh.... " He never saw Rose in this state, she looked helpless and desperate and pale.. He took her in his arms, hugging her for more than a few minutes . If only he could somehow hug her worries away as well." Don't worry Rose tell me everything over call, we'll figure this out like we always do. I hate to break this to you but I have scheduled operation and I have to lead so I'll leave and contact you when her results arrive"
"Great. Well now leave and thank you. " she urges him to leave the entrance and asks him to lock from outside and keep the key back to its toy birdhouse.
He locks, places key and runs off to his clinic.
Josh was a busy man had little time with all the things he occupied himself with.. He was glad to have Rose as his anchor to the outside world.. He was already running 3 minutes late to the operation... He cursed under his breath for his inefficient driving skills.
Rose had been anxiously waiting for her parents to return... It'd been long since they left.
Parents returned with worry latching each line of their forehead. They had Father George and two other Father that she had never seen before.
"Mother, Father Im glad you returned. What took you so long?? You both don't look very well...."
"Did you do what you were asked?"
"Yes, I showed the cross to every corner and read Bible" lying was everyday business for Rose now
"Good, this is Father Ben and Father Joe.. Ofcourse you know Father George."Father acquainted Rose with all of em and she greeted them by bowing a little to show respect.
" Rose dear we come here to cleanse this house and make it hallowed place once again "
" well please take us to each and every room.. Is your daughter awake yet?" Father George inquired to which father looks at me and I shake my head..
"very well then no worries she soon will wake up. Let's clean the house father George started reciting verses, father Joe I suppose was constantly throwing water in all directions by dipping cross in it. Father Ben was touching all the furniture and walls knocking and slapping lightly God knows what show was going on Rose thought
There was flickering of lamp on which Father George started reciting harder, Father Ben touched the lamp and it went blank...
Rose could see her mother's iron clasp on father and her own hand... Rose never once would believe in anything supernatural but this kind of is scaring her rationality away.
Fear is a colossal thing it has the capability to turn your mind and body into hollow pieces, it's antagonistic to logic and definitely a parasite of your soul.
Father Joe asked us to move outside and wait they ushered safety of Mel for my mother insisted on staying but had to leave with us reluctantly...
We waited for like half an hour outside before Father George came outside to call us in.
All the lights were normal and Mel was standing in hall. She ran towards us when she saw us in the entrance hugged us all. Mom dad were so happy to see Mel awake...
Ofcourse so was I.. But was this because of Father cleansing our house of supposedly evil spirits, darkness God knows what.. or simply because the effect of pills wore of....?

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