Chapter 14

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"Did you select the movies yet ?"
"You're so impatient Gosh! Wait a minute I ain't done." Mel mutters annoyed at Rick and his impatient arse.
"You're terribly slow.. We need to leave for farmhouse as well and all you have is one job to choose 7 movies and look at you! Only if our farmhouse had wifi never would I have asked you."
"There you go Ricko Burrito all selected and on download now calm that tachycardic hyperannoying impatient arse of yours."
"Fine, but that was slow."
"Why didn't YOU choose then burrito?"
"Stop calling me that! You know I don't watch movies AND DON'T CALL ME THAT! LAST WARNING!!" Rick roars
Noah bursts out laughing watching Mel and Rick bicker over nothing.
"My God look at you both! All grown up with no bone of maturity... You both are like 24 and 25 and you guys are acting like 5." Noah says pointing Mel and Rick smiling at their childish outburst.
"Honey you're 45 meanwhile acting no more than let's say 15." Deborah teases lovingly. Noah looks at her lovingly imagining just how was he so lucky to have her as his wife. His mind was quick enough to sing Elvis's 'I got lucky' and he smiles.
"Oh my sweet Deborah how can you say that when you yourself make me want to act like 15." he pulls her close landing a swift forehead kiss meanwhile Martha starts clapping and fake crying muttering how big her brother became and how her sacrificing her peace of mind finally paid off.
" You even ate my food Martha pray tell how much you sacrificed! I raised you like a father let alone big brother." Noah sighs..
"Oh my look at you! Oh hello Mr Noah, you're just two minutes elder than me, I adjusted in mom's crammed up womb with the most annoying roomie ever definitely I sacrificed my peace of mind!"
"For the love of God stop you both." Deborah intruded their non-stop verbal battle. "You both will have enough time for this on cruise so save it and honey you still need to pack your bag, Mel come-on sweetie you too go pack your bag." muah she kisses Mel urging her to act faster. Deborah saw Mel as a kid despite the reality being otherwise, she knew Mel was not ready to step in outside world, she was too innocent, too naive to be left unsupervised. Deborah took the job of looking after Mel so seriously that she went to the lengths of home schooling, online graduation and doing all the needed to avoid Mel from being mixed with any of the world's impurity. Mel worked as a full time writer and had little desire to interact with unknown people. She never went anywhere apart from church and that became her second home.
Mel went in her room smiling at her mother.
"I wonder how long is Rose gonna sleep, I got her bag ready but that lady needs to eat!"
"Deborah sweetheart calm down, she told me she was awake whole night researching on her recent case and then she went early morning for some team project as well, let her sleep, she'll eat when she wakes up, don't worry Rick will stay and bring her over till that time we can decide the menu and get so many things ready to cook. " Martha was quick to show her, 'shut your mouth and do as I say' look to Rick who was about to protest.
" Fine, yah I can do that don't worry, you guys go on plus that would give me enough time to download my movies and songs so that's cool with me. " Rick says monotonously with little amusement over his mom's nosey tactics.
"Oh burrito you're such a darling!"
"Yup that he is, my sweet son come here my burrito."
"Mom! Aunty! Come on NO burrito... Enough I ain't kid anymore." His words burst out while he knew it would be dead end and no matter how many times he would fight that'd not make him unburrito for anyone. Who calls their kid burrito?! Apparently my mom ahhhh he sighs at his burrito fate.
Mel enters her room only to be knocked over by the shock standing in front. It was Wilson.. She wanted to scream, scratch walls for exit but she could do nothing, she stayed glued to the place she was standing her mind careful to not move a muscle as if that would make Wilson go away, her throat felt dry and weak, she tried to scream when he stepped closer but no voice came from her this is it I am going to die was the only thought that was predominating her mind.. She felt sick to the pit of her stomach to watch Wilson move his hands, trying to say something.. Since when are ghosts doing storytelling before killing their victim crossed her mind. She saw Willson move towards her table trying to grasp the pen with all might only for it to remain unaffected that for some reason felt like a wave of relief washing over her, he can't touch me, he can't absolutely can't, I would live... She tried to speak but it seemed as though she forgot how to produce sound, how to shout, scream, whisper or sigh. She continued watching Willson as he started scratching his own arm with his nails trying to write something. A deep black color of rotten flesh appeared as he seemed to have gashed his nonexistent flesh. We wrote, 'you're in danger' and continued scrapping his other arm to form, 'go away far away '.
He just was about to scrape his leg but before that he seemed to have sucked away in air into nothing where he came from. A little shriek seemed to escape from Mel letting her know of her voice. She sucked in deep breaths, she was wet in cold sweat and it was difficult to keep breathing consciously. All she wanted to do was call out Rose but before she knew her legs carried her bedside and she sat with a thump, holding her head in between her hands she managed to calm herself. Anyway we are leaving its no use to tell others, he can't touch me, he was not able to lift that pen, I'm safe I'm safe, you're safe Mel, you're safe...
She kept repeating again and again to herself. After few minutes she took a quick shower and packed her bag mindlessly folding and stuffing it with whatever outfit that came in her sight.
Goes downstairs taking deep breaths. Everyone looked ready, she could see her dad filling trunk across their fence and her mom motioned her to give her bag, she did and smiled at her mom, happy to see her mom smile in return lovingly.

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