Chapter Four

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We all were happy... Mel looked normal as well. Father George assured my parents that house was purified. My parents were happy after thanking father George and other two Fathers... Well let's say our life came back to normal or so my parents were thinking as for me all I cared was the results...


"Did you sell all that was given?"
"Yes, we stacked in about 6 million dollars so far.."
"Well what about the land he gave. That seems expensive the house itself is worth more mint check in with the highest price market has to offer... You know the regular place right. Arrange the bidding tonight at 10 pm. We must sell it today itself"
"Won't 10 be a bit late?"
"It's winters even sun bows down early... Night is the ruler my friend."
"OK that's sorted.. Now what about the bodies ??"
"There are leftovers?!" eyebrows raise more than they should..
"Well, I'm new to this business, you asked me to deliver organs and that I did, I was never informed so as to what I should do with the bodies. Whatever you say are the only things that get done... I have no idea what should be done with all those bones and meat"
"Oh dear.... Bones cost a worth too after all bone meal is in market for a reason. Hand it to Kyle, he'll take it from there and as for all the meat let's dig in, rest just about any restaurant would buy when we turn everything into sausages! !"
The sentence ended by seeing puking notion from his fellowmate... Ahhh the newbies Victor grimaced and absolutely hated the way people acted when it came to their own bodies, what's so shocking to see blood after cutting open people, it's meat afterall there's no big difference in pig meat and that of humans on the contrary human meat turns out to be more soft and supple absolutely flavorful and delicious but the way people act when he tells them this before torturing them amazes Victor. Always the expressions of shock and disgust. It frustrates him he was about to offer them human meat he so loved and they asking to be killed as if he weren't going to.. It makes him laugh and frustrates him at the same time for all he wanted was for them to have good food before he kills them anyway and they denying it absolutely makes little sense to Victor. People are hypocrites no wonder, enjoying meat and then shunning the one obtained from their own species. How they react on seeing blood and insides as if that would change what they are inside, weaklings he hated people with weak gut and to see puking notion from his fellowmate is enough to make him want to kill the one he took under his wing, the man was of literal minimum use. Absolutely pathetic now I have to babysit him for business. Well atleast he's a good delivery guy. Maybe would do our clothes and dishes not bad. He'd come in handy."Oh dear don't worry, it may sound gross but believe me it'd soon go away. It takes a while to get accustomed to the business but after that even thoughts of bodies excite you for they bring revenue far more one can imagine... We all are worth millions if only we'd know... Well atleast I told a few, their price before they drew in their last breath.
"Meat too costs my friend it does and let me tell you it tastes heavenly... It'll be your first time today and you are gonna love it! Now stop with your expressions... Tasting people's gut won't get me to puke but surely your expressions will.." Victor chimes.
"I can't wrap my head around swallowing human meat can you please exclude me from that part... I'd do all other work be it cutting, shredding just about anything but no way in hell would I stomach down my kind...."
"My my, look at him" and the two start laughing seeing their new partner sweat at the thought which makes them salivate...
"Soon these emotions will leave you... They are nothing but maggots residing in humans... You'd be free from these maggots and climb to success with us!"
The new member grimaces ... What have I signed for It was far better to get killed than do this.. Even people in prison which he considered worst looked chickens infront of these two he thought...
Since he got to know the prices of each organs and exactly how much a human body costs in total he's been wondering exactly how many millions he has lost by simply buring down bodies...

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