Chapter One

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"No no no! NOT TODAY!"
" Why are you screaming Mel?!"
"Come here stop screaming back from your room.. COME HERE.. ARHHHH my head is hurting so bad"
Rose comes stomping in Mel's room
"What?? Just exactly what it is that you want... I can't even close my eyes with you casually screaming every now and then"
"He took my dress and is not giving me back.... He says he wants to... cut me open and take my organs I DON'T KNOW?! CAN'T YOU SEE HIM ALREADY?? .."
"Did he really say that?!"
"Well he's motioning his hands like that and guess what I don't understand sign language, his mouth is stitched..I can see stitches.. ugh " Mel's voice was just above whisper, she said pointing in air, her face pale, lower lip trembling and eyes bigger than saucers... She started doing this recently. Rose quickly took Mel in a hug and tried to calm her, she was shivering so bad.  Rose knew denying the presence of anyone Mel saw would only increase her outburst.
Its OK Mel it's ok said Rose continuously while rubbing Mel's arm who was still shivering, Mel buried herself in the crook of Rose's neck she glanced up only to move back staggeringly from Rose
"oh my God he's smelling your neck!" Mel cry screamed and threw the closest thing near her, that happened to be her phone... All the while Rose standing there as if she grew roots, too stunned to act.
Mel quickly rushes to assess loss of her phone.... All the while muttering Biblical phrases.
" Is he gone Mel??? Are you alright?" Rose comes back to her senses rushing towards Mel.
"He went Rose! He went when you came by my side just now! He left!!" Mel rejoiced while having given Rose a near heart attack..
Rose shook Mel's shoulders violently gaining her attention effectively, "tell me everything.... You've been seeing him what was his name you said last time -"
"Willson" she whispered afraid that he might hear and pop up from anywhere.
"ya about this Willson guy -
Mel shushed her, don't speak too high
" what the freak do you turn into what does he do?? It was two days back on 26th July right? when you told me about him right... Was it the first time you saw him.?? "
" yes, and you know sometimes I see our childhood infront of my eyes! It's like I get visions... Of past.. How lame is that why can't it be future "
" pretty lame and pretty serious I'm sure you can't call it vision that's called your brain trying to recall how stupid you were in childhood .. maybe  you're having second hand embarrassment syndrome! Yes that's it! With the amount of stupid things you did it's no wonder to have something like that. Get rest see I'll show my cross to every corner, he won't come back you should go to sleep else your head will start hurting more.. "
Rose leaves worry latching her thoughts like a parasite.. She goes to her parents room to find them and sees them cuddling together watching film. Deborah and Noah were like two parts one soul, never needed words to understand one another, a side look, few blinks and that's how their communication worked most of the time. My parents were straight out of fiction, mom could easily pass of as a teenager she's a striking beauty on top of it mother of two! Dad too had all the boyish charm ready to bewitch female community. Deborah, like her name suggested was no less than her biblical character upon whom she was named after and Father too had similar scene. They both first met in church and their love bloomed in the walls of religion and I loved them  more than anyone else except for their love of religion everything was acceptable, only if they could -
" Rose dear why are you standing there?? Come here sweetheart"
No time for thinking otherwise you have to tell this, Rose self talks herself into disclosing matter with Mel to her parents which was extremely risky but better than loosing her sister to asylum.. She tells everything to her parents who looked at her with as much shock as she felt the first time while Mel told her...
"  Honey, call Father George immediately" was the first thing mother said
"Mother this is no time for candles and stupid biblical phrases! - gets slapped from her mother but still continues "We need to save Mel! She needs medical attention for Godsake!"
" Do not speak with your mother in that tone Rosaline. We're glad you told us now we'll take it from here. Go to your room and rest "
Rose left feeling stupid what did she even think that this time would be different? That just maybe this time they would not let their religion come in between.... She looks down her arm that lay paralyzed to her side... The memories of her begging to be taken to hospital,the amount of pain she endured, her cries that left her throat aching were not enough to break their faith in Religion then what would a mere ghost do?! She hated religion, religious people almost everything that was not explainable. Nothing was more ignorant than people of faith blindly affirming to things that made even less sense than earth being flat. How she despised those age old rituals, the only thing which she deemed best was them denying stupid notions placed on women. Noah made sure that his girls were treated right and given the best of everything. He loved his family and despite Rose having differences in faith, she never faltered to love and embrace her family. Mel too was religious and that made Rose the odd ball in a family of perfect synchronization, she was off beat and tried hard to not disrupt harmony they had. She loved to call herself atheist. Her parents never forced her to attend church but her not believing in God was a different story. She mocked God at every chance she got but never infront of parents for she was afraid of death and often thought her parents would accuse her to be under influence of Satan and make her sacrifice to Christ if they ever got to know about her not believing in God...

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