Chapter 44

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"Somethings not right. I am telling you, I can feel it."
"Everything's fine Victor, you overthink idiot that's all I gotta say." André laughs waving off Victor's words.
"Where's Dee?"
"He went to deliver bone meal."
"Did you not notice how weird he was behaving today?"
"When has Dee behaved normal anyway? That's the very reason I like him Victor."
"Andre stop being a bullhead he has always been under our pressure. It was never that he chose to be with us, you just brought him and that's it. He hardly ever talks and today he did not reply my calls that's unusual he always does."
"He's that way since the beginning, there's nothing wrong with him you're over thinking, he might have forgotten to take his phone maybe or might be busy somewhere or better yet his phone might be on silent. Even women don't think the way you do."
"Building business requires brain that you won't understand."
"Whatever man, you think these petty insults would get to me on the contrary I find it amusing, quite entertaining. Wait who are you calling now, leave the man alone for a few hours at least!"
"I'm calling Kevin, pick up dammit."
On the fifth ring Kevin picks up the call.
"Hello there Victor. How are you my man?"
"Did you get the bone meal?"
"Straight to the business I see. Yup your guy I suppose his name was Dee gave me the case about an hour ago. When are you gonna deliver blood meal, I require that shit here."
"It takes time to process. I'd deliver as soon as I ready that."
"Cool then, adios."
Atleast the delivery reached on time that relaxed seemed to visibly relax Victor.
"Is it delivered?" Andre quips.
"Told you, it's your habit to overthink every damn thing. He might be somewhere having fun. Let my man live a little. I want to see him enjoy life and beg for it to me and then I'd take pleasure in killing him with my bare hands."
Victor was a bit shaken at what Andre just said. He thought Andre had a bond with Dee turns out Dee stepped his ego and all Andre was capable of was pure massacre that's all. Well Victor needed to keep an eye on Andres thoughts as well the serpant might turn his way any instant, he just proved that he lacked basic human emotions and whilst that benifits his business it may turn fatal for him. He was glad Andre voiced his thoughts that gave him a pretext of what's in store when with Andre. Victor became aware and calculative with Andre the instant Andre slipped what was his plan all along.
"I had no clue about that was what in your mind all along. If you're gonna kill him anyway why the hassle for giving him life in bonus?"
"I told you, I wanna see fear in my victim when I kill them, Dee defied me of that pleasure and man I'm patient when it comes to waiting for a big drip. I can't imagine the pleasure I'd receive when I slit his throat, cut his veins see life flowing out of him while he looks at me. "
And Victor thought he was the cruel one here.
" Do as you wish Andre just be with me. "
" Ofcourse where else would I go? The world's a better place with you Victor. " Andre smiles toothily.

" Excuse me I need to see the chief police right now."
"Sir you can't see him right now, he's in a meeting."
"You don't understand this do you. I said I need to see him this instant."
Dee started shouting at the top of his lungs addressing the chief police while he was being restricted from smashing the place all over.
Atlast the chief police officer came outside, he was about 6 feet, close to his retirement and had a jolly face. Seeing a violent man who stilled at his presence asked the officers to leave him.
"I am sorry for the disturbance I just caused but I need to inform something very important to you. My head would burst if I don't tell you."
"Have a seat young man. Bring him water." he addresses one of the officer to bring water.
Dee starts telling the chief from the beginning not bothered with the glass of water that the officer nearly shoved in his face. He calmly takes the glass keeping it aside not stopping a minute of his speech neither breaking eye contact with the chief officer. His throat was parched and dry with all the screaming but clearly taking a second break would wreck his brain.
He was being as detailed as possible and the officer who shoved the glass was now all ears considering how serious the matter was, he could notice other officers taking note of his every word and one recording to what Dee was saying.
Dee told about how he got included with criminals, how he himself was the victim but the culprit decided to let him leave and made him do things he wished to die before obliging.
The various details regarding how Victor the mastermind of business, harvested organs, how they chose their victim, how they hacked into hospital records and took information, finding out the suitable donor who matches their clients data.
Even more officers seemed to gather to hear what was going on, being stunned at the relevation. Just when everyone thought it was over Dee went on to further describe how the meat was processed from the victim and turned into sausages. When he took names of all the restaurants in the town where the sausages went, he could see more than half the police department grimacing, the contorted faces were dark and angry and some having gag reflex, that was Dee's que to continue further, he never once stopped except for controlling his ragged breathing. He further went to the section of bonemeal and blood meal, how the blood meal was made of human blood that was gathered from the victims. He could see further darkening of expressions from the police department when he stopped to finally drink water.

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