Start from the beginning

"I will not forget to check it," Miss Ann says, as some classmates, including Tari, Efe, and Flourish murmur.

"I was told we have another new student," Miss Ann says, as the boy who sat at the extreme of April's seat stands up.

Everyone looks in his direction, and April could not keep track of how many half-castes she would encountered since she resumed. He was tall and slim, with thick lashes, pink lips, and an extremely attractive face. It was obvious that the girls in class were drooling. April could not help but notice Wendy, who was openly eyefucking him.

"What is your name? Miss Ann inquired.

"Light, Alikor," his deep voice can be heard.

"Why does that name sound familiar? Do you have siblings at this school?" Miss Ann inquires, clearly interested.

"Yes, two. Wealth and Flourish
Alikor, "Light responds.

"Welcome to Hallel Colledge," Miss Ann says.

"I am not really a new student. I am a returnee; I left while I was in JSS1," Light states.

"Whoa, that is amazing. We are delighted to have you back, " Miss Ann says with a smile.

"Thanks, Ma."

"You can take a seat; what was the previous topic?" As I mentioned before. Not all of us were in school. I will touch the topic again," Miss Ann says looking grim. A boy raises his hand in the meantime. Miss Ann tells him to get up as soon as she sees him.

"Okay, Nimi! Tell us," Miss Ann asks.

"The CELL!" Nimi responds.

"Yes, Cell is a living unit," she says, looking up. " Who can give me the actual definition?" Miss Ann looks around to see if anyone will answer her question.

"Nimi! Tell us!"

"The cell is defined as the structural and functional units of a living organism," Nimi says, looking at Miss Ann, who nods slowly. Waiting for her response.

"Tell us, Wendy!" Miss Ann says to Wendy who lets out a smile, which everyone who knew her, understood what she meant.

"The cell is the simplest, the smallest and basic unit of life, all living things such as plants and animals are made up of cells. The cell is regarded as the basic unit of all living things, because it can carry out all lives activities, such as feeding, reproduction, excretion, growth, adaption, respiration, definite life span, sensitivity and movement!" Wendy says with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Now, what is the difference? I gave a brief, straightforward, and understandable definition. Always attempting to showcase yourself. As if someone was competing with you!" Nimi speaks audibly and hisses.

"It has not begun peppering you!" Darlintina says, rolling her eyes.

"Darlintina, I wasn't...."

"Keep quiet. The two of you! I am still in the classroom. Both definitions are accurate. Wendy just went deeper and explained more." Miss Ann addresses the class. Meanwhile, Nimi murmurs some incoherent words.

"Who can classify living things based on the number of cells?" Miss Ann inquires.

Wendy and Nimi raise their hands immediately, as if they were fighting over something. Miss Ann shakes her head immediately upon noticing this.

"You two are not the only ones in this class; someone else should answer the question!" Miss Ann speaks.

"Flourish! Tell us!"

"Unicellular and Acellular Organisms.
These are organisms that consists of only one cell, eg Ameoba, Euglena, Paramecium etc. Multicellular Organisms are organisms which consists of two or more cells eg volvox, hydra, spirogyra, fish, man etc." Flourish response.

"Give her a sound clap!" Miss Ann says, prompting everyone to clap.
April swears she saw Wendy rolling her eyes.

"I know I did not teach you this. But I expect you all to read ahead," Miss Ann says, smiling. "I want to test you all to see if you have actually been reading ahead!"

"Fire on, Ma!" Flourish glares as Efe shouts.

"As if you will be able to answer any," Darlintina attacks, rolling her eyes.

"The day I pluck out those eyes you are shining will come soon," Efe says, frowning.

"I am still in this class!" Miss Ann glares as she makes her announcement.

"I apologize, Ma." Efe mutters.

"I am sorry!" Darlintina says.

"Like I previously stated, many scientists contributed to the history of the cell. So, who can tell us more about these scientists?" Miss Ann inquires, and the class falls silent. No one raises their hands, much to her disappointment.

"No idea, Ma!"

"No idea," Wendy says with a frown on her face. Meanwhile, Nimi smiles.

"No idea," Flourish says with a smile.

"Florish, you are smiling!" Miss Ann says, turning to the rest of the class. "How can you all say you do not understand what I am saying? This implies that you do not read your books," Darlintina rolls her eyes as Miss Ann continues.

"April Kuti. The girl on scholarship, " Miss Ann calls out scaring April.

"Ma!" April responds quietly as she gets up from her seat.

"Could you answer that question?" Miss Ann inquires with a curious expression on her face. April takes a deep breath before she speaks.

"Robert Hooke, an English scientist. He was the first human being to discover the honeycomb structure of the cell in 1665, in his book micrographia. He described his observation of a magnificent thin slice of a cork of an oak tree. He established that the cork is made up of tiny components or rooms, he then named the components cells.
Felix Dujardin, a French biologist. In 1835, also discovered that the cell was made up of living substances, he named the living substances protoplasm. Mathias Schleiden, a German botanist..., "

"Give her a round of applause, " Miss Ann says, totally cutting April off. Some members of the class clap.

"April, you have really proven your worth," Miss Ann remarks. "Wendy and Nimi! You have got quite a competition!" Miss Ann smiles.

"She wishes!" Wendy says, but not to hearing of the teacher.

"Sit down!" Miss Ann instructs.

"Thank you, Ma!" April says as she sits, attempting to calm her nerves. She wonders silently if she was the one who correctly answered the question without stammering.

"Excuse me!" A voice is heard through the doorway. Getting everyone's attention.

"You do realize how much I despise this?" Miss Ann asks, frowning.

"I apologize, ma!" Ibinabor speaks in a calm tone. Miss Ann motions for her to enter.

1645 WORDS🌹

Sorry about my typos.

One word for this chapter?


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