She pushed herself off the locker and followed a few steps behind the werewolf and vampire. Tyler protested a few times as they walked towards the gym, which made Rebekah tighten her grip on his neck and Luna scold him to be quiet. Luna assumed that Klaus and Elena were at the gym, which was why they were on their way there. 

Suddenly, the doors to the gym swung open, revealing Klaus, Elena, Bonnie and Matt, "Ugh, get off of me." Tyler complained, making all eyes go to the three who entered the gymnasium. 

"Hush now." Rebekah cooed in a mocking tone.

"I'd like you all the meet my sister, Rebekah. Word of warning, she can be quite mean. And, obviously, you all know Luna." Klaus introduced, gesturing towards the two blondes. 

"Don't be an ass." Rebekah scolded, glaring at Klaus. She then pushed Tyler towards Klaus and Klaus now had a tight grip on his forearm. 

"Leave him alone." Elena called out, fear evident in her voice. But Klaus ignored her plead and walked further into the gym, "I'm gonna make this very simple," Klaus started, "Every time I attempt to turn a werewolf into a vampire hybrid, they die during the transition. It's quite horrible, actually." Klaus then, bit into his wrist and forced Tyler to drink from it. Tyler grunted in protest and tried to squirm out of Klaus' hold. 

"I need you to find a way to save my hybrids, Bonnie. And for Tyler's sake..." Klaus took her wrist from Tyler's mouth and wrapped his hands around his face in preparation to snap his neck, "... you'd better hurry." 

Then, a crack flooded the room. Tyler's lifeless body fell to the floor with a thump. Elena gasped in shock and sadness, upset that one of her friends was forced to transition into a hybrid. She then turned to look at Luna with a scowl. Elena knew Luna didn't owe her anything, and she knew Luna didn't have to save her or her friends. 

Her face quickly dropped into a sympathetic expression when she examined how Luna looked. This was the first time Elena had seen her since she left with the Original, and she could already see changes in the blonde. They were noticeable even though Elena wasn't close with the Salvatore girl. Elena was holding out hope for Stefan and she saw no reason to not do the same for Luna. 

Feeling a pair of eyes on her, she turned her head to meet the doppelgänger's worried gaze. Luna noticed the apprehension in her eyes, so she tried to give her a small smile - but she failed. She couldn't smile in assurance when all she felt was fear. Something bad was going to happen. Something bad has happened. Tyler was laying dead on the gym floor and it was only going to get worse, and there was nothing they could do to stop it. Although Luna was a heretic and over 150 years old, she wouldn't be able to take two Original vampires. 

Everyone was silent. No one could bring themselves to speak after just witnessing their friend die. But, after many minutes of an uncomfortable silence, Matt spoke up, "He killed him." 

"He's not dead. Klaus' blood will turn him into a vampire." Elena assured, pacing around Tyler's body. 

"And if Bonnie's successful, he'll live through his transition." Klaus spoke up, jumping off the bleachers Rebekah and Luna were seated on. Go on, then. Go fetch your Grimoires and enchantments and whatnot. Luna can even go with you to help." 

Luna threw her hands up in displeasure. She was continuously getting forced to perform spells which probably won't give him the answers he wanted. She narrowed her eyes on the back of his head and he walked towards Bonnie, Elena and Matt. Klaus turned around and flashed her a quick smile in entertainment, making Luna scoff at his cockiness. 

The small exchange between the ex-couple made Rebekah lean in and whisper into Luna's ear, "I take back what I said about Caroline and Tyler, you two are adorable." 

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