chapter 4; 2x10

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about a girl
"but i cant see you every night"

an; lol i changed the cover for the story, the one i did before was ugly and really rushed so i did a better more detailed one (:

The Salvatore's walked up to Elena Gilbert's house. Stefan knocked on the door.

"Hi. Uh, can we talk?" Stefan asked, once Elena opened it.

"Why?" Elena said.

Stefan looked back at Luna and Damon.

"We went to see Katherine." Damon said for Stefan. Luna stood there with a smile on her face.

"Come on in." Elena said.

An hour ago -ish

"You sure you want to do this?" Stefan asked.

"Yeah." Damon said.

Stefan and Damon went over to the tomb door. They looked over at Luna, asking for her help.

"After you ." Luna said with a smile on her face.

Damon rolled his eyes at her remark.  They moved the stone and Stefan and Damon walked to edge of the tomb, making sure not to go to far so they get stuck. Luna didn't show herself yet. She wanted to surprise Katherine.

"Please come on in, there's plenty of room for all of us." Katherine said.

"Is rather poke my eyes out." Damon said, sarcastically.

"Mmm, They're such pretty eyes." Katherine flirted.

"I personally think mine are prettier." Luna said walking in between Stefan and Damon.

Katherine was shocked when she saw Luna.
"What? No compliment for me?" Luna mocked.

"Luna." Katherine greeted. Luna sent her a bitter smile.

"We're here for the moonstone." Stefan said.

"Feel like tossing it over?" Damon asked.

"Tell you what. Get your little witch to hocus-pocus me out of here, you can have whatever you want," Katherine said. "Or, Luna could do it for us." Katherine suggested.

"Psh, over my dead body." Luna laughed.

"Mmm, you might be dead if you don't get me out." Katherine threatened.

Luna laughed. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves Katherine, you know very well if you kill me you'll be making things worse for yourself."
Damon and Stefan exchanged glances, not knowing what the two were talking about. Katherine knew that Luna was right. She scoffed in defeat.

Stefan decided to continue bargaining for the moonstone, ignoring what just happened. He was going to question Luna on it later though. He was itching to know what history his little sister had with the originals. Damon as well.

"I thought you liked it in here? Nice and safe, where Klaus can't get to you." Stefan stated.

"I've had time to reconsider." Katherine responded.

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