chapter 58: one year later

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Rowan hadn't been sitting alone for too long when she heard a gruff voice from by her feet. "Drink up!" the dwarf at Rowan's feet loudly laughs, urging a stein into her hands which she kindly refused. "I can't, Gimli," he frowned up at Rowan, perplexed by her abstinence to drinking despite the celebration occurring around her. "Whyever not? This is the best ale in all Middle Earth— brewed by Dwarves, you know!" Rowan's gaze flicks towards Éomer, who watched the interaction with an amused smile. It was not often she refused food and drink, if only to appear polite. Bashfully, Rowan leaned towards Gimli. This had not been the way she wanted to tell Éomer the news, but she knew full well the Dwarf would not relent with the ale rushing through his veins. "Do not misunderstand, I would, but I cannot," Rowan hummed, glancing down to her stomach and, with a soft smile, confessing, "I am with child."

"What?" Gimli roared, laughter boasting from his chest as he pulled Rowan into his smaller frame with a demanding arm around her hips, congratulating her with his excitement. Certainly, no one but him had heard her confession, until Gimli raises his stein high and calls out, "Listen here, Queen Rowan is with child!"

Rowan dared a look at her lover, watching Éomer's eyes widen as his arm nearly slipped from the barrel it had rested upon in his once-leisurely lean. A shrug graced her shoulders, sheepishly admitting the truth with her eyes. Still, he came towards her as those who had heard cheer, barely getting a moment to ask, "Is that true?" before the sound of hobbit feet rush towards her. "Yes," Rowan laughed, right as Merry and Pippin hop between them. "You're going to have a baby!" Pippin squealed. "What wonderful news!" Merry declared as he put his hands onto Rowan's stomach. Rowan glanced at the people who was cheering and clapping, catching eyes with Legolas for a moment before his eyes turned sour. He then looked away. Éomer then walked closer and embraced her in a deep hug and smashing his lips against his wife's.

Sleep came to Rowan easily once she hoisted herself onto their bed. Never would she have believed it would feel like she was floating on air. Perhaps it was the grueling day she was dealt or the growing tension amongst the men. Maybe it was the stress, but it was most likely the same reason why her husband refused to let her ride long distances at fast paces.

"How are my loves tonight?" Éomer asked. He peeled his tunic from his body, allowing Rowan a view of his rippled torso. The light from the lantern didn't reveal too much in the darkness, but it was enough to see his matted dark blonde hair and a glimpse of his dark chocolate eyes. "Well and resting." Rowan smiled up at her husband. He sauntered to the bed and placed his large hand over her stomach. The warmth was comforting against the cold night air that peeped its way through the crack in the bedroom window. "When do you suppose she'll be kicking?" he asked, staring at his wife's still flat torso in admiration and awe. Rowan placed her hand on his and smiled. "He probably won't be kicking for a long time. We've only just found out, love." Éomer chuckled, settling in beside Rowan but never lifting his hand from her stomach. 

The smell of his natural musk calmed her and the sound of his rhythmic heartbeat lulled her to a groggy state before his deep voice startled her. "Rowan?"


"Do you think she'll have your eyes?"

Rowan looked up at him with a furrowed brow and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. "It'll be a boy and he'll have your scowl. Happy?" He pressed a kiss to her forehead, suppressing a chuckle. "And your dry humour."

"Why do you insist it will be a girl?"

"Because a father knows."

"Oh, aye." Rowan rolled her eyes. "That's why you thought I was faking my morning illness to avoid Maedhros's stew."

"And I don't blame you. He's a great horseman, but a horrendous cook." They shared a laugh before Rowan felt her husband tense up. Éomer sighed, giving his wife a half-hearted smile. "What if we are to raise our child in a time like this?" Rowan's heart sank. Admittedly, she had thought the same when she learned she was pregnant. The outskirts of Rohan were not fit for child-rearing as more Orcs had sprung up and no one knew where they were coming from. Everyone has thought that they had defeated evil but they were wrong. "Don't worry, meleth nin. Our child will be safe.. it will have a ranger for a mum and a strong King for a father."

"Perhaps, my love." He pulled Rowan closer to him. "Sleep. Another day awaits us." Pressure on her torso lured Rowan from her slumber. Her eyelids remained shut but a low murmur pulled her even further from her dream. " as strong as your mother..." What? "I know you cannot hear me, little one, but I cannot wait for you to join us in this world. It may not make any sense to you, but I swear to you, my child, you will have all that you desire. You will never go to bed hungry. That is, unless you've caused some mischief and your mother decided to punish you thusly." He pressed a kiss to her tummy. "But most of all, know that you will be loved. You will never face this world alone. You will have your mother, your Aunt Éowyn who will most likely cuddle you to death, your Uncle Aragorn, and me, my child. And remember that we will never, ever let you come to harm."

By this time, Rowan was peeking from underneath her eyelashes and saw her husband's head against her lower abdomen. He was facing her, but his gaze was at her clothed torso, imagining their child's face and smile. At that moment, Rowan felt as if this reality was her dream. Nothing could harm her or their family. Nothing could part them.

Rowan lifted her hand to Éomer's cheek, stroking it and bringing his chocolate eyes to meet hers. A tinge of embarrassment dusted his cheeks as he resumed his position by her side. "Forgive me. I did not mean to wake you." Rowan closed her eyes and grinned. "It's alright. Were you using our son to practice your oration skills?"

"I couldn't help myself. Our daughter is my most precious gift and I must make sure she is well taken care of."

"Our child will be a boy, Éomer."

"You mean a girl."

"Care to place a wager?" Rowan quipped. "Winner gets full naming rights."

"Why not?" He said haughtily. "I won your heart during our last wager." What a charmer. "I'm pretty sure we both won that one, darling," Rowan said, her lips ghosting over his. Her lips met in a brief kiss as he smothered your giggles. 

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