Chapter 14: snow

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The higher they climbed up the great mountain, Caradhras, the more Rowan wished she was back home in Rivendell. The warmth, the food and the comfort and safety. She attempted to wriggle her toes, hoping the movement would force some feeling back into them. At first the numbing had been sweet release from the bitter cold but she was beginning to feel concerned.

The elf strode on at the head of their group, his footfalls leaving barely an imprint in the snow.

Suddenly Legolas stopped, raising his hand to indicate that they should do likewise. For a moment the fellowship just stood and listened as the wind howled and pulsed around them. It seemed almost a living thing, prowling cautiously, retreating, and then surging forward with renewed intensity. "I hear a foul voice in the wind," Legolas called back to Gandalf. "It's Saruman!" he replied. Rowans heart froze. 

 The roar of the wind had now become deafening and the snow cut into the huddled figures like shattered glass. Whiteness swallowed them from all directions and Rowan feared that only one step would take her off the mountainside and falling into nothing. "We need to head back!" shouted Aragorn, though Rowan could barely hear him. "No!" insisted Gandalf, stepping forward and bursting into a rhythmic chant. But whatever magic Gandalf was attempting did nothing to alleviate the assault of wind and ice. Suddenly what looks like a lightening spark errupted onto the mountain leading to a cascading amount of snow covering the Fellowship.

Rowan feels arms grab her arm as she was lifted out of the hole made of snow. One arm was Legolas and the other was Boromir. She began to lean towards Legolas but at the last minute Boromir jerked her over to him and held her close to him.. very close. Legolas' eyes burned like flames that could not be controlled, like Boromir had taken something from him.. like a precious flower.. like her.

"We should head for the Gap of Rohan. And take the West Road to Gondor." Boromir suggested. "That would take us too close to Isengard," replied Gandalf. "We must take shelter, the hobbits will die. we've already seen the power of the snow. We should go to my city.." Boromir started before he was rudely interrupted by Legolas. "Your city..? That's not a little arrogant." He sneered whilst glaring at Boromir.

"If we cannot go over the mountain, why not go through it?" suggested Gimli trying to stop the awkward tension. "We should head through the Mines of Moria. I know the company of Balin's dwarves; we can expect great food and great beer."

Even through the blanket of white, even despite Gandalf's best efforts to maintain his impassive countenance, Rowan could see his face drop, his eyes momentarily narrow in fear. "Let the Ring Bearer decide," said Gandalf. Frodo scrunched his nose in disapproval, a facial expression with which Rowan was fast becoming familiar. "Don't worry." She whispered to him.

After a time he shrugged, "maybe Moria?"

"The nature of the threat that lurks in Moria is not fully known. I thought, perhaps, we might have been able to slip through unnoticed." 

"That's a big risk to take" Boromir suddenly snapped, voice tailing off at the end and body curling in on itself. Exhausted and cold, Boromir couldn't sustain his anger for long and it diminished as quickly as it came. Looking at Gandalf almost imploringly, he muttered, "I thought Wizards were supposed to be wise." Gandalf looked momentarily offended by her surly outburst but mostly he just looked ashamed.

Without any further attempt at discussion, the Fellowship made their way towards the mines of Moria. Gandalf fell into step alongside Frodo as he led the way, though neither of them spoke. Rowan joined them and she positioned her body so that it took the full brunt of the storm, shielding the hobbit's slight form from the winds.

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