Chapter 11: braiding

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Gandalf understood what Rowan was trying to say, "I suppose it couldn't hurt."

Elrohir offered to retrieve him, stating that he had seen Boromir with some of the other men not so long ago. Gandalf told Rowan and the hobbits to rest for a bit. It must have only been half an hour at most, but Rowan was sweaty and gross already.

The hair tie that Frodo had given Rowan was starting to get loose and her hair was really starting to annoy her.Rowan then decided to take it out and try to retie it, but as she took it off, it broke apart in her hands. She cursed and as her hair went everywhere.

She tried to remember if more hair ties had come with her new clothes, but Rowan couldn't remember seeing any. She was at a loss and decided that you'd just have to keep her hair out. Rowan turned to Gandalf, "Any magic that can fix this?" Gandalf shook his head, "And even if there was, I would not waste such effort on your vanity!" Ouch, that was harsh. Turning her back on him, Rowan decided that if Gandalf could wear his hair out while still being a badass wizard, you could too. There was a light tap on your shoulder. Legolas looked at Rowan with a strange expression on his face, "If you would like, I can braid it for you?"

Rowan ran her fingers through her hair and was embarrassed to find that it was dirty so she declined. Legolas was undeterred though, "It would be much more convenient for you, and some braids can last a long time so they don't bother you."

"Are there different types of braids or something?" Rowan asked curiously as she didn't know much. Legolas nodded and pointed to his own hair, "This is a warrior's braid, often worn when travelling or fighting. It is named so as it rarely comes undone by accident and keeps your face clear during battle. There are a few variations but the purpose is the same. I also wear a brain denoting my status in the Greenwood."

Then he gestured to Elladan, "Elladan wears a court braid, denoting his status as Lord Elrond's son. Different courts will have slightly different styles so any passing elf may be identified by their brethren." Elladan lowered his head so you and the hobbits could compare the two. "That's really interesting!" said Frodo earnestly. Rowan agreed. "The dwarrow also have similar customs, though much more complex than our own" pointed out Elladan. Legolas was still waiting for her answer so Rowan smiled at him, "My hair's a bit gross, but I would really appreciate it."

He assured Rowan that he didn't mind and once she was sitting down, he sat behind her and began. He was so gentle that Rowan worried it wouldn't be tight enough, but she was glad it wasn't painful. She wondered how the braids would work without a hair tie, but he seemed confident.

By now Boromir had come and Rowan waved at him. He nodded at her and looked towards the hobbits with a determined look on his face. He greeted them, and the hobbits responded eagerly. Merry and Pippin were in high spirits, having approved of Boromir greatly after their drinking game. Boromir spoke in a gentle voice, "I would be honoured to help train you," his lips twitched upwards, "I taught my younger brother and many other young men how to fight with a sword, so have no fear, I am an experienced teacher." Rowan smiled and Legolas noticed.

Legolas finished braiding your hair and Rowan turned her head experimentally. She could barely tell it was there but it kept her face clear, "Thanks!" Now that Rowan was ready, training began again. Boromir and Gandalf taught the hobbits while Elladan was helping Rowan get even better. Elrohir and Legolas were watching everyone from the sidelines, making sure that another Pippin incident didn't take place.

Things were going remarkably better now, but Rowan was starting to get bored of swiping through the air. Elladan was making her do drills on how to stand and how to move, so she never got to hit anything. At least the hobbits got to pair up.

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