Chapter 7: meeting pt.2

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Rowan got up to stop him, but Gimli darted forward and swung his axe powerfully before she could do anything. There was a crack and Gimli's axe shattered. Rowan side-stepped to avoid some of the flying stone fragments. Gimli was thrown backwards as he looked at the ring in disbelief. His eyes were fixed at a spot near her feet, and Rowan saw that the ring had managed to move in the chaos. It was sitting neatly in front of Frodo, who was clutching his head in pain.

Rowan looked distastefully at the ring, "No worries Frodo, I got this." She bent down as the entire council watched. She picked up the ring slowly, and was surprised when her palm began to sting. The cut from Isildur's sword tingled and began more and more painful by the time she had let go of the ring. Rowan practically flung it back to its place with a hiss. Her hand began shaking and she felt a cold sweat break out. Rowan looked at her palm, trying to see if the cut had reopened, but it remained small and at the same state. Her reaction to the ring didn't go unnoticed.

Gimli hurried over in concern, "Are you alright lassy?" he asked gently. Rowan didn't notice, but she had begun to sway. Gimli's words cleared up her mind. She hadn't even noticed that she had felt dizzy. Her hand still felt like it was burning, but as she stumbled back from the ring, the burn began to fade. Two injuries in the same place on the same day, wow, she must be trying to set a record or something. Rowan sat back down and thanked Gimli, pressing her palm into her seat. Her hands were shaking, even as the stone cooled the burn.

Rowan was quiet and contemplative as she tried to figure out what had caused such a strange reaction. Gandalf and Elrond were also likely to be puzzling it away in their heads. Unfortunately, Rowan was the only one interested in being quiet as the council had begun muttering and whispering among themselves. Seeing Rowan's and Gimli's interactions with the ring, proved to them how dangerous it was. They were fearful, as if fully realising what was in front of them.

"Are you okay?" asked Frodo quietly. Rowan noticed that he also looked pale, "Sure, though I'll be even better when that thing is melting apart!" She hissed. "Never trust an elf!" roared Gimli.

Gandalf looked like he wanted to smack everyone, as if he was dealing with a bunch of children. Frodo and Aragorn watched with mute horror. Elrond's disappointment was immeasurable and his day ruined. "I can't believe the fate of Middle Earth is in the hands of these idiots," Rowan sighed at the disapproving Lord. Unable to contain his temper, Gandalf stood up and began shouting at the group, which only served to rile everyone up further. It was all finger pointing, shaking fists and men trying to out shout each other. "You're right brother, men really are a bunch of dicks," Rowan nodded wisely.

Aragorn frowned at his sister, "You know that was not what I meant!" The yelling grew and Rowan snuck a glance at Elrond. He looked so done. "Yeah, we're all going to die," Rowan informed him cheerfully. He did not look amused. "I will take it!" rang out a clear voice. Rowan turned to Frodo, who had stood up and was addressing the group. "I will take it," he swallowed thickly, "I will take the ring to Mordor."

It took a hot minute for people to remember what they were arguing about, but it clicked simultaneously. Everyone was astounded. All except Gandalf, who had a sad and proud look in his eye. No doubt, he was harping on about the greatness of hobbits in his head. Rowan was inclined to agree. There was silence as Frodo spoke up again, "Though, I do not know the way."

Rowan's heart felt heavy as she watched Frodo take on this burden. Frodo was always sweet and kind, and now he was saving the world. She understood now, why Gandalf made such an expression.

Frodo turned to Rowan imploringly and she heard him ask without having to say a word. "I'm with you to the end of the line Frodo" Rowan promised solemnly. He glanced at her hand where the ring and burned her, and she smiled at him. Gandalf stood and looked Frodo in the eye, "I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear." A decision had been made, and now the rest of the council would have to make peace with it. Aragorn approached slowly and kneeled in front of Frodo, "If, by my life or death, I can protect you, I will. You have my sword." "And you have my bow," declared Legolas. "And my axe!" growled Gimli. They each moved to join the little huddle.

Boromir walked slowly to Frodo, "You carry the fate of us all, little one. If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done." Rowan and Frodo stared in awe as she stood next to some of the best fighters in Middle Earth. A smile played on her lips. "Here!" There was violent rustling as Sam came bounding towards the council. Elrond's face twisted in shock and Rowan hummed playfully. Sam stood next to Frodo and addressed Elrond crossly, "Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me."

"No, Indeed. It is hardly possible to separate you even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not," noted Elrond. Sam flushed but remained steady at Frodo's side. There was more rustling as Merry and Pippin emerged from their hiding places too, "Oi! We're coming too! You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us!" Rowan let out a laugh at Elrond's face. He looked equal parts confused, indignant and frustrated. Gandalf looked at him playfully and accepted them into the group. " need people of intelligence on this sort of" announced Pippin.

Rowan ruffled Pippin's hair fondly as the taller people in the fellowship resigned themselves to the fact that the trip would not be as smooth sailing as they had hoped. Merry crossed his arms, "Well that rules you out Pip." When Elrond saw that the hobbits weren't going anywhere he nodded slowly, "Ten companions. So be it, you shall be the Fellowship of the Ring!"

"Great, where are we going?" asked Pippin. Frodo looked at Pippin with a playful smile. "Honestly Pip, were you even listening?"

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