Chapter 47: arrived

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The Rohirrim stopped by a lake. Rowan watched as Éomer rode in to report to the king.  "The scouts report Minas Tirith is surrounded. The lower level's in flames. Everywhere legions of the enemy advance." She heard him say as she felt Merry interlock his fingers with hers. Rowan felt him trembling, "Don't worry.. we'll make it out" She whispered to him. "Time is against us." Théoden sighed.  "Take heart Merry. It will soon be over." Rowan spoke softly to Merry but also to Éowyn who too was scared. "My lady, you are fair and brave and have much to live for, and many who love you. I know it is too late to turn aside." Merry smiled looking at Rowan as he sat behind Éowyn.  

"I know there is not much point now in hoping. If I were a knight of Rohan capable of great deeds... but I'm not. I'm a Hobbit. And I know I can't save Middle-Earth. I just want to help my friends. Frodo. Sam. Pippin. More than anything... I wish I could see them again." Merry whispered to Éowyn as Rowan had rode upfront close to the King, to not rise any suspicions about Éowyn's plan. Horns blow. "Prepare to move out!" Éomer commanded. "Make haste! We ride through the night." Theoden also ordered. Éowyn and Merry don their helmets.  "To battle." Éowyn whispers to which Merry replies, "To battle."

Fighting continued at Minas Tirith. The battering ram Grond pulled up to the outer city gates. Trolls pulled back the ram and let it slam into the gate.  "Grond! Grond!" The Orcs cheered over and over again. The Orcs exchanged volleys with archers above the gate. Gandalf, again mounted on Shadowfax, rallies the soldiers to the gate. "Back to the gate! Hurry!" Above, Pippin looked down at the battle. Denethor marched across the citadel courtyard. He is followed by guards carrying Faramir's litter.  "I am steward of the House of Anárion. Thus have I walked. And thus now will I sleep."

 "Gondor is lost. There is no hope for Men." Denethor added and as he passed, a flower on the White Tree is shown. The procession travels the Silent Street. "Why do the fools fly? Better to die sooner than late. For die we must." Denethor threw open a door to the mausoleum.  "No tomb for Denethor and Faramir. No long, slow sleep of death embalmed. We shall burn like the heathen kings of old!" Denethor stopped at a large raised platform.  "Bring wood and oil!"

Grond pounded the city gates. Gandalf and a group of soldiers waited inside. "Steady! Steady!" Gandalf commanded to the soldiers. Grond broke through the top of the gate. The soldiers murmured in despair. "You are soldiers of Gondor! No matter what comes through that gate, you will stand your ground!" The gate broke and crumbled. Heavily armed and armoured trolls jogged through the gates.  "Volley! Fire!" Gandalf ordered. A few trolls are brought down, but several soldiers are killed. The Gondorians are pushed back.

Pippin enters the mausoleum of the Stewards. A pyre of wood is built around and on top of the stone platform. Faramir is placed on the platform. He moaned softly.  "The house of his spirit crumbles. He is burning. Already burning." Pippin ran to the pyre. "He's not dead!" He shouted. Pippin tugged on the bundles of wood.  "He's not dead! No! No! He's not dead!" Denethor picks up Pippin by the collar and carried him away.  "Hear now, Peregrin, son of Paladin: I release you from my service." Denethor tossed Pippin out of the mausoleum.  "Go now and die in what way seems best for you." Denethor slammed the mausoleum door shut. 

"Pour oil on the wood!" Denethor ordered to his men as Pippin ran off. "Gandalf! Gandalf! Gandalf!" He shouted as he ran as fast as his little hobbit legs could take him. Meanwhile Gandalf lead the soldiers at the city gates.  "Retreat! The city is breached. Pull back! To the second level! Get the women and children out. Get them out! Retreat!" The soldiers retreated, suffering heavy casualties. Outside the gate, the orc general nodded with satisfaction. "Move into the city. Kill all in your path." He ordered as Orcs swarm into the city.  "Fight! Fight to the last man! Fight for your lives!" Gandalf shouted as he slowly lost his breath.

Inside the city, Pippin found Gandalf. "Gandalf! Gandalf! Denethor has lost his mind!" He blurted out as he caught his breath.  "He's burning Faramir alive!" He then shouted. "Come!" Gandalf ordered as he  pulled Pippin onto Shadowfax. They raced up the city. Shadowfax rounds a corner to face the Witch-King, mounted on his fell beast. Gandalf held up his staff in defence. "Go back to the abyss! Fall into the nothingness that awaits you and your master."

The Witch-King laughed.  "Do you not know death when you see it, old man?" The Witch-King screamed, and Pippin cried in terror.  "This is my hour." The Witch-King drew his sword, which lit on fire. Gandalf's staff shatters and he fell from his horse. The Witch-King approached Gandalf. Pippin drew his sword.  "Gandalf!" He shouted. The fell beast roared, freezing Pippin in fear. Shadowfax rears at the beast, holding it at bay for a moment. The Witch-King taunted a defeated Gandalf.  "You have failed. The world of Men will fall."

A chorus of horns is heard in the distance. The Witch-King turned and flew towards the new threat. Gothmog and the orcs turned towards the sound of the horns. The Riders of Rohan appear across the fields. The army of Rohan stops to face the rear of the orc army. Éowyn spoke to her fellow rider, Merry.  "Courage, Merry. Courage for our friends."

 "Form ranks, you maggots! Form ranks! Pikes in front, archers behind." Gothmog shouted to the Orcs as King Théoden rode along the front lines of the Rohirrim.  "Éomer! Take your éored down the left side." He commanded to which Éomer replied,  "Yes, my lord." The King kept shouting his commands as the Orcs turned and waited. "Gamling, follow the King's banner down the centre. Grimbold, take your company right, after you pass the wall. Forth, and fear no darkness! Arise! Arise! Riders of Théoden! Spears shall be shaken, shields shall be splintered! A sword-day! A red day, ere the sun rises!"

The Orcs prepared for the ride of the Rohirrim. "Whatever happens, stay with me. I will look after you." Éowyn whispered to Merry. Théoden rode up and down the lines, rattling his sword along the row of spears. "Ride now, ride now, ride! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!"



"Forð Eorlingas!" The King shouted as Rohirrim horns sounded the charge. Then the Rohirrim begin to move out, including Rowan, Éowyn and Merry. Théoden lead the riders in a dash towards the orc battalions, as they continued chanting "Death!"

"Fire!" Gorbag instructed as the Rohirrim got closer. Orc archers shoot down some of the riders, but not enough.  "Death!" Théoden yelled. "Fire at will." Gorbag sneered to the Orcs. More orc archers fire, but the Rohirrim soon crashed through the orc lines. Éomer's group plunges into the orc reserves. Théoden rode along the front lines of the Rohirrim with Rowan as she swung her sword into Orcs slicing their heads of immediately.

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