Chapter 2: rowan

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Strider was worried; he could hear no sound of animals nearby. "It's almost as if they weren't here for a while now." He glanced up the hill to where the four hobbits sat and was startled to see the slight curls of grey smoke. "No the fools." Strider took off up the hill. He knew that he was already to late; he could feel the coldness of the Nazgul and hear the shouting of the four hobbits.

Losing no time, Strider started to fight Nazgul. Frodo pulled Merry and Pippin out of the way. "Stay here." He shouted. A scream ripped t through the air and the Nazgul left. Frodo appeared a couple of feet away from where Strider stood.

"Frodo!" Sam shouted rushing over to his friend. Merry and Pippin exchanged a glance. Strider then hurried over to Frodo. He was getting worried. After he had tended to Frodo as best he could, Merry and Pippin gave each other another worried glance. The two hobbits, who were awake, had no clue what was going on. They waited till Strider had gotten Frodo over to were the small fire that Sam had lit, and had gone to help Sam who was slowly walking their way.

"What just happened?" Pippin asked. Sam had again sat down next to Frodo, Merry and him near his feet. "I'm not sure, but I plan on finding out."

"We must get you, Frodo, to Rivendell, your injury is beyond my skill."

"How long will it take?" Frodo asked, he knew that something was wrong with the injury his arm was cold and it was slowly spreading to the rest of his body.

"A fort night at most. We will leave before first light." The hobbits laid down near their injured friend and Strider sat down near the fire, his sword drawn.

'Please let us get to Rivendell in time.'


Rowan nodded back at Lord Elrond who was like a father figure to her and mounted onto her female horse, Luthien. She then galloped vastly out of Rivendell and towards where the Hobbits and her brother were. She had been riding for two days with no sign of her brother and the Hobbits. By the time she had reached Trollshaw Forest it was dark, almost pitch black.

Rowan draws her sword as she snuck up on her brother.

"What is this? A ranger caught of his guard?" Rowan questioned as she inched her way towards the Hobbits. Aragorn slowly looked up. "What are you doing here?" He questioned quickly, hoping not to wake up the Hobbits. "Lord Elrond sent me, he said you were in need of help." Rowan replied putting her sword away. "What has happened?" She asked her brother as her brother replied with, "Frodo got stabbed, we don't have long left... unless you can help us."

They both instantly marched over towards where Frodo was laying. "Frodo, I am Rowan. Telin let thaed lasto beth nin, tolo dan na ngalad." (Frodo, I am Rowan. I have come to help you. Hear my voice and come back to the light.) "He's fading, he's not going to last the night." Rowan decided standing up as she turned to face her brother. "We need to take him to Lord Elrond."

Strider helps Rowan to quickly lift Frodo onto Luthien. "There are five wraiths behind you, where the other four I do not know." Strider cursed as he turned back to face his sister. "Dartho guin berain.. rych le ad tolthathon." (Stay with the Hobbits, i'll send horses for you.) Strider demanded as he prepares to get onto the horse. Rowan looked at him confused with a look of disbelief. 

"Hon mabathon. Rochoh ellint im." (I'll take him. I'm the faster rider.) Rowan responded as she tried to stop her brother from riding away. "Andelu I ven." (The road is too dangerous.) "You don't need to protect me." Rowan replied so the Hobbits could understand. "If we can cross the river, the power of the Elves can save him." She finished as she turned to face the Hobbits who were confused at what what was going on. "I will save him. Le cenithon ned lû thent!" (I will see you in a short time) Rowan then shot off with Frodo. "WHAT are you doing!? There are still Wrath's out there!" Merry yelled at Strider, as he immediately stood up. "She is very fast. She's our best hope."

Merry calmed down and went to sit with Pippin and Sam in silence. Not much time had passed when Pippin got up and walked over to Strider. "Who was that beautiful lady? You my man, have an admirer. I saw the way she looked at you. What was her name again?" Strider let out a gigantic sigh as he shouted, "Do you Hobbits ever shut up? Her name is Rowan and she's my sister!" He finished before he walked over to a nearby rock and rested his head, falling into a peaceful slumber.

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