Chapter 57: rowan's wedding

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Walking among the trees of Gondor, a soft sigh passing over her lips, Rowan wondered at the beauty of her home. Here she had lived with her family, friends, for many years and though she had lived in many places in the course of her long time, here is where she felt most at home. Rohan was lovely and she had loved every moment there when she was with the fellowship, but Gondor held a special place in her heart. All around her, she could see leaves of gold and the smooth grey bark of the trees, shining as though they were made of precious metals in the sunlight. 

Her fingers ran lightly over the bark of the nearest tree, lips curving into a smile. The trees in Rohan were not like this. The beauty here could never be replicated.

In a dress of shimmering green and waves of dark brown hair falling down her back, Rowan looked and felt as though she belonged here. Rohan was different and fear gripped her at the thought of living there. Oh, she knew she would be welcome, that Éomer loved her and so did the people there but some fears didn't need reason to plague someone. And plague her they did. Behind her, the soft clearly of a throat could be heard calling for her attention. As she turned, she relaxed and her smile grew at the sight of her brother, brown-haired like her but taller and a more commanding a presence than she was.

"It is time to go, iellig. Éomer awaits you." Her brothers smile was gentle, eyes proud, and her heart leapt at the mention of Éomer, fears washing away. No matter what she was afraid of, she knew Éomer loved her and she belonged with him. And her brother was right, they needed to go. Already she had waited a year and it had felt long enough without lingering now. With a delighted laugh, feeling almost like an child again, she moved to meet her brother. "Then we should not keep him waiting." Her excitement was practically palpable and she told herself that, soon, all her fears would be proven groundless. 


Travel between Gondor and Rohan was slow. Too slow for Rowan who could barely stand the pace they had set. As long as the tradition year betrothal felt, it would be worth it, they knew, once the couple were married and spent the rest of their lives together. It had been worth it for him, after all. Especially now as Aragorn watched his only sibling on her way to be married. So he spent the journey finding way to distract her and keep her calm.

And once they arrived, it was a near impossible task to keep Rowan from seeking out Éomer before she could get ready for the ceremony. Arwen led her away and she was quickly surrounded by ladies helping to prepare her. A plain white gown had been made for her, silver thread used to sew in a design of flowers, trees and leaves. Behind her, Arwen carefully weaved ribbons through her friends hair, coloured the same as her dress and the ladies around her made last minute adjustments to everything, making sure she looked just right for what was to come. Often Rowan had to clean her face, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was nervous, excited, anxious, happy, scared. Just a wave of emotions rushing over her all at once and she constantly found herself clinging to Arwen, struggling to control her breathing. How could she be so nervous now? She had been counting down the days to this, she told herself that she should feel like this.

"Rowan, pinig, calm yourself. There is nothing to fear, no need to be so anxious. You go to marry a man whom you have given your heart, who loves you with the same passion. And you have not chosen wrong." She pulled her friend close against her, rubbing her back and pressing a kiss to the top of her head. Arwen, so rarely wrong, was right. She knew it but hearing it from another, from someone who she trusted above all, was a comfort and she soon calmed. Nodding against her friend, holding on just a moment more, Rowan leaned back. "I am ready." She said this slowly, taking another moment to ensure she really was and not about to start crying again. Enough tears had been shed already, no more need to be. Not on a happy day like this. Clearing her face of any evidence of her tears for the last time, Rowan  looked around at everyone who was there to support her and smiled, brightening as Arwen placed a thin but elegant circlet upon her head.

"Soon to be the Queen of Rohan. Come, it is time." She took her friends hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and led her to the Golden Hall where her brother and Éomer waited. And there, in the light streaming into the room and a small fire roaring nearby, all of her fears and worries faded completely.  Today she would be married.


The moon was full and the sky was clear, bathing the gardens of Rohan in beautiful silver light. That light was aided by a combination of candles and lanterns with a perfect view of the current festivities. "Smile, my love," the familiar voice of Rowan broke him from his musings. "Our wedding feast is to begin soon." Éomer turned, giving her a soft and gentle smile, "my apologies, darling. I was lost in thought." She lent up to peck his cheek, "and here I am to help you find the path back."

"Then lead on, my fairest of maidens, to our feast and our happiness," he smiled a little as he teased, and she laughed as she led him away. The feast was to be held in the gardens of Rohan, every inch of free space covered in tables and elves. On a small raised platform was the head table; six seats, as per tradition. Near to it was the table for the highest ranking guests- King Aragorn and Queen Arwen, Sam and Rosie (Plus not to mention their kids on a separate table), Faramir and Éowyn, Gimli and of course Merry and Pippin.  Everyone else had been left to find their own places somewhere, though it had naturally split itself by the homelands of the attendees. "Rise for the bride and groom!" Their arrival had evidently been noticed, as one of the guards announced their presence.

Surely enough, everyone rose to their feet. As they walked through the tables, various congratulations were called and they were showered in various bits of plant matter; leaves from Gondor, and tiny petals from Rivendell. Hand-in-hand the couple approached their seats, separating only to step around the table.

"Your majesties, highnesses, my lords and ladies, and honoured guests, please be seated," Éomer spoke with genuine affection for all the words had been carefully rehearsed. He paused a moment whilst seats were taken. "I most sincerely thank you for your attendance this evening, to share in my joy as I take the Lady Rowan as my wife... There will be time for speeches once we have spoken, though I believe she wishes a few words." Rowan smiled back at Éomer, before raising her chin a little higher, "esteemed guests and residents of this land, I thank you for the welcome I have been granted. Though it may be presumptive as I shall not be Lady of this House for some hours yet, I still invite you all to join us in this meal. I am assured it shall be excellent; please, begin when you please and I hope you have a delightful evening." The two of them bowed to their guests, only slightly out of synch with one another, before taking their seats and beginning themselves.

"Márienna!" (to happiness) Aragorn shouted as he stood up and held his cup into the air. Arwen followed pursuit and soon everyone was standing up holding their drinks into the air. Rowan chuckled as she noticed that Merry and Pippin were having to be standing on their chairs to be seen and to clunk cups with the humans and elves.

"Le meluvan úne ar alye lúmessen tenna nurucilie." She smiled up at her newly wedded husband. "I will love you for better or for worse till death do us part." She repeated in common tongue before she turned her gaze back to Pippin who had just fallen of the table next to theirs.

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