Chapter 4: rivendell

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Rowan was also well rested and spent the entire day sleeping. She knew, because as soon as she had exited her room, she had been greeted by Elladan who looked shocked. "Ah! You are finally awake! We were starting to get concerned. We thought that you had died in your sleep!" he exclaimed. Rowan looked confused. Elladan laughed. He began walking away and gestured for her to follow him, "The Hobbits believed you were dead. Though you have been asleep a very long time. You have missed an entire day of your life!"

Rowan scoffed, "After travelling for so long, I deserved it."

Rowan scrunched her nose and poked him where she believed his ribs were. Elladan jumped so high it was comical. Clearly he wasn't expecting it. Rowan laughed at him, "Maybe if you slept more you would be more alert. I could beat you with my eyes closed!" Elladan sniffed, "I am a renowned warrior. I assure you it would not be that easy." Rowan smiled as they both made their way to were everyone else was.

They were sitting with an old Bilbo who was listening to their adventures. Sam was weaving flower crowns from a basket of freshly plucked flowers. To Rowan's surprise Elladan sat on the ground and began joining in. Elrohir strutted away after saying a soft goodbye. Soon, the hobbits caught sight of her, "Strider's sister!" they cried and ran forward to hug Rowan. Startled, Rowan was lost for words.

Rowan saw that Frodo was safe and gave him an extra tight squeeze, "Never do that again! You had us all freaking out," She warned him. Frodo poked Rowan playfully, "At least I have an excuse for sleeping like the dead. Not even Gandalf could wake you up!" Aragorn laughed. Rowan also laughed and gave Bilbo a gentler hug. He still had a sparkle in his eyes.

Rowan sat down next to Sam and watched him twisting the crown together. She picked up a stray flower and held it in front of Sam wordlessly. "Buttercup," he told her. Sam took the buttercup from her and added it to the crown. Rowan rifled around the basket for more and came across a bright pink blossom. She may not know flowers, but she could at least match the colour scheme Sam was going with. Sam looked at it critically before accepting it. "Geranium," he nodded.

This went on for a few minutes as Rowan simply enjoyed the company of the hobbits. Merry and Pippin were re-enacting some of the more action-filled segments of the journey, while Frodo narrated. He had certainly inherited Bilbo's gift for storytelling and had a captivated audience. Rowan and Sam kept up her flower naming game, which he took great delight in. Elladan even praised Sam, causing him to go bright red.

Time passed and Frodo walked up to Rowan as she looked over at the surrounding mountains covering Rivendell from the view of the enemy. "I realised.." Frodo started. "That I didn't get to tell you that I'm very grateful that you saved my life.. out there. You didn't have to." Rowan turned to focus her gaze on the young Hobbit. "It was my duty.. I know about about your quest and I want you to know that I am willing to do anything to protect you." Rowan declared as she immediately turned when she heard the sound of horses entering rivendell. "We better go, there here."

Rowan strolled through a leafy archway and saw a familiar red sleeve. It seemed that fate was on her side. "Boromir!" Rowan whispered to herself excitedly. He was also wandering around, though he walked purposefully. He entered a building, and she followed silently behind. The elven boots Rowan was given were soft and muffled any noise she made. She walked a few steps behind Boromir, and wondered when he would notice.

He turned a corner sharply and Rowan hurried her steps. She turned and shrieked as he rounded on her. He was waiting right behind the wall and Rowan fell back when she recoiled. She landed with an oomph on the ground. "Ow!" Rowan cried as she got back up. Rowan gave Boromir a disapproving look, "What kind of man scares people when they're on a walk?" She teased. Boromir realised that Rowan was joking around, "What kind of lady follows men around without their knowledge?"

"Touche," Rowan shrugged and stuck out her hand, "Rowan. It's nice to meet you." Boromir laughed heartily and gripped her forearm. Rowan was confused for a moment but copied his movements and gripped him right back. "So handshakes weren't a thing anymore? I am Boromir of Gondor, son of Denethor II. It is a pleasure to meet you," he smiled.

Rowan was charmed.

"Are you here for the council?" he asked. "Yup!" she confirmed. Boromir nodded to Rowan and eyed her crown, "Forgive me, but I was not aware that Lord Elrond had called for others of the race of men, aside from Gondor." Boromir said Elrond's name sourly, and Rowan nodded along. Ah, there it is. "I am Rowan, sister of Aragorn who is the heir to Gondor's throne. I am a human to." Rowan tried to explain.

Boromir's eyes widened slightly in disbelief but he was the steward's son and he was raised to be cordial, if anything else, especially to a young lady. "Then I look forward to hearing what you have to say," He said simply. What are you doing?" Rowan asked. "I had heard that there was a gallery nearby. I believe that there may be some old relics that are of interest to me," he said.

"Cool, I'll come with you. I'm pretty bored anyway, nothing to do," Rowan told him. Boromir offered her his arm and she looked at him, unsure of what he wanted her to do. Thankfully, Boromir picked up her confusion and withdrew his arm smoothly. "I would enjoy some company."

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