Chapter 6: meeting pt.1

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"The council will convene soon and we have much to discuss," said Elrond. Rowan sat cross legged on one of the stone seats, waiting patiently for everyone else to arrive. She didn't have to wait long to see Frodo and Gandalf walking over. "You're late!" She mocked. Frodo looked at her with surprise, "Rowan! I didn't know you'd be here!" Rowan smirked, "Of course I'm here. Someone's got to make sure that Gandalf doesn't fall asleep!" Gandalf gave her an annoyed look. Frodo laughed and took a seat next to her, "I have the feeling that it may be the other way around". Rowan gasped and playfully whacked his shoulder. The two of them giggled, and Gandalf sat down next to Elrond.

"I'm glad that you're here Rowan," murmured Frodo, and she gave him a wink. "As if I'd leave you to the wraiths!"

Aragorn was next to arrive, though he didn't come alone. With him was Legolas and some other elves. Aragorn smiled at Rowan and Frodo, while the elves watched the two of them curiously. Rowan realised that she still had Sam's flowers in had hair and flushed. Frodo huddled closer to her, but gave Aragorn a small grin. "Strider gets along well with the elves," he commented. Rowan nodded absent mindedly as she watched the elves take seats opposite to her and Frodo, on the other side of Elrond. Aragorn came to sit with Rowan and Frodo. "It is good to see you both again," he said softly. Rowan snorted and Frodo looked at her questioningly. Aragorn inclined his head to the elves he had come with, "They are the elves of the Greenwood. I believe Bilbo encountered them in his travels."

Frodo's eyes widened as he subtly looked at them. His gaze fell on Legolas, "Is that the prince then? Bilbo told us about him and his father!" Aragorn nodded and Frodo gleamed with excitement, his childhood stories coming to life before his eyes. "How did you recognise him?" Rowan asked. Aragorn was also curious. "Bilbo had a drawing of him. There's a folder of everyone he encountered on his quest. Besides, he stands out from the rest," Frodo explained. Rowan looked at Legolas and tried to suppress an enthusiastic grin. "He kinda does, " she agreed.

Rowan's and Frodo's staring was not noticed and Legolas met her eyes. Rowan looked away quickly, along with Frodo, and she both laughed a little- a mix of giddiness from their eyes interlocking, and nervousness.

Out of the corner of her eye, Rowan saw the elves turn, and she followed their gaze to be a group of men entering the courtyard. She instantly recognised Boromir, who gave her a small nod of acknowledgement. Rowan waved at him and he smiled hesitantly back at her but when he caught sight of Aragorn his smile dropped again. Rowan nudged Aragorn with her elbow, "Now look what you've done!" To his credit, Aragorn did look guilty and watched quietly as the men of Gondor took their seats. They were mostly old and there was not a single woman in sight. Rowan sighed internally, 'Come on, this is pathetic. Am I really going to be the only girl here? "

There was a throat cleared and Rowan looked at Elrond, who looked very tired and very done with the antics of the race of men. Next to him, Gandalf had a thunderous expression.  Rowan shrugged him off and listened to Elrond speak. He monologued about what the council was about and she admired the way he made everything sound so poetic. Elrond turned his attention to Frodo, "Bring forth the ring, Frodo'' he instructed. Rowan smiled at Frodo encouragingly, who walked slowly to the stone plinth in the centre of the circle. Slowly he deposited the ring, and Rowan could feel the entire council take in an awed breath.

Frodo nervously returned to his seat and Rowan looked distrustingly at the ring. She was shocked at her strong feelings towards the ring. She hated it, and hated all the horrible things it could make people do. It whispered and tempted and ruined. She would be glad to be rid of it.

"So it is true!" Boromir finally said, shocked. Elrond and Aragorn looked wearily at him. "Sauron's ring, the ring of power!" said Legolas. Gimli looked grim, "The doom of man." Boromir spoke again, and Rowan really wished he would shut up. "It is a gift!"

Rowan face palmed loudly but Boromir continued with his word vomit, "It is a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this ring-" Rowan cut in, "I'm going to stop you right there. This thing isn't a gift, it's literally an evil ring that wants to destroy the world. The moment you get your hands on it, poof! Say goodbye to your conscience." Boromir glared at her, but undeterred she glared right back. "You cannot wield it. None of us can. The ring answers to Sauron alone, it has no other master" reinforced Aragorn.

Boromir turned his gaze to Aragorn bitterly, "And what would two rangers, know of this matter?" he scoffed. Rowan knew that it was probably the ring causing Boromir to act like a tremendous dick, but she felt her own temper rise. Luckily, before she could speak, Legolas stood up, "This is no mere rangers. This is Aragorn, son of Arathorn! And Rowan, daughter of Arathorn! You owe them your allegiance" he said firmly. "Aragorn, this is Isildur's heir?" he sneered.

"And heir to the throne of Gondor!" announced Legolas. The men with Boromir shifted uncomfortably, unsure of what they should do. Technically they were looking at their King. Awkward. Aragorn asked Legolas to sit down, and Rowan watched Boromir try and compose himself. "Gondor has no King. Gondor needs no King. Especially no Queen." he growled and sat back down. There was an awkward silence and the tension was palpable. "Aragorn is right! We cannot use it" said Gandalf pointedly. "You have only one choice. The ring must be destroyed" instructed Elrond.

Gimli rose to the occasion cheerfully, "Then what are we waiting for?"

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