Chapter 43: beacons

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Pippin climbed to the top of the beacon at Minas Tirith, evading the guards. Trying to not look down, another reason that he wasn't as brave as he told people, was that he was scared of heights. He had a massive fear of them. Like a colossal fear.  So he trembled as he reached for a lamp hanging over the beacon. A nearby rope snapped, spilling oil on the wood. Loads of thoughts were running through his mind at this point, the main one being 'will the fire still burn on this now oil soaked wood?'

Pippin tossed the lit lamp onto the wood, which quickly caught fire, to Pippin's surprise. He then quickly climbed down to avoid being caught of fire himself. As Gandalf watched in the distance, the beacon burns, and soon another does on a nearby mountainside. "Amon Dîn." Gandalf sighed to himself. (Silent hill)

Guards on watch take notice. "The beacon! The beacon of Amon Dîn is lit!" One guard shouted and a very annoyed Denethor looked out of a window and frowned. The guards of Gondor panicked at how the fire started. However signal beacons light in succession across several peaks. At Edoras, Aragorn saw the last beacon lit, and ran into the Golden Hall nearly bumping into his sister on the way in. "The Beacons of Minas Tirith! The Beacons are lit!" He shouted out of breath. "Gondor calls for aid!" Théoden, in council with some of his men, paused and took stock of this news.  "And Rohan will answer." He replied as he made his way to the entrance of the hall. "Muster the Rohirrim!" He ordered as a soldier rung a alarm bell. He exited Meduseld, speaking with Éomer.

"Assemble the army at Dunharrow, as many men as can be found. You have two days." He ordered to his nephew. Éomer nods and turned to leave. Théoden grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.  "On the third, we ride for Gondor. And war." He finished. Éomer nodded again, giving a smile to Rowan who returned it and left. "Gamling..." Théoden started.  "Lord." The King continued, "Make haste across the Riddermark. Summon every able-bodied man to Dunharrow." Gamling nodded and departed. Théoden watched the Riders flow from Edoras as Aragorn and Éowyn exited the stables.

"You ride with us?" Aragorn questioned as he readied his horse.  "Just to the encampment. It's tradition for the women of the court to farewell the men." Éowyn replied before Aragorn uncovered a sword, hidden in Éowyn's saddle. She covers it with a blanket as soon as she noticed. "The men have found their captain, they will follow you into battle, even to death. You have given us hope." She smiled.  Nearby, Rowan and Merry made their way out of the hall. Merry was eager to fight but Rowan worried that the King would not let him, she didn't say anything in case she dampened his spirits. Before they reached the King Merry whispered something in Rowan's ear. "How do I bow?" His voice squeaked and Rowan smiled before she did a curtsey and then a bow. Rowan saw Éomer chuckle in the distance and he stopped when she sent him a death glare, which caused him to put his hands up in the air in defiance. Rowan smiled.

Merry, holding his sword, approached King Théoden of Rohan.  "Excuse me. I have a sword. Please accept it." Merry smiled as he bowed before the King, Rowan standing next to him. "I offer you my service, Theoden King." Theoden helped Merry to his feet, smiling. "And gladly I accept it. You shall be Meriadoc, esquire of Rohan." Merry grinned and ran of to tell Rowan who was now talking with Éowyn. 

Legolas and Gimli prepared to depart. "Horsemen, hmph! I wish I could muster a legion of Dwarves, fully armed and filthy." Gimli muttered. Legolas still had a glimpse of sadness in his eyes as he responded with, "Your kinsmen may have no need to ride to war. I fear war already marches on their own lands." Gimli had noticed how Legolas had changed a lot in the last couple of days but didn't say anything.

Merry tried to get his stubborn pony to move; the pony ignores his kicks. Théoden took one last look at his kingdom's banner and sighed as he said, "So it is before the walls of Minas Tirith, the doom of our time will be decided" to himself. "Now is the hour, Riders of Rohan, oaths you have taken! Now, fulfill them all! To Lord and Land!" Éomer declared with his spear held high in the air as the Rohirrim rode to Dunharrow, with Merry on his galloping pony and Rowan riding closely next to the hobbit, so he didn't fall behind.


Pippin, in his Gondorian armour, sat outside of the Hall of Kings alone. "What were you thinking, Peregrin Took? What service can a Hobbit offer such a great lord of Men?" He thought to himself as he played with his hands. "It was well done." he heard a voice say not to far away. Pippin stood up as Faramir approached. "A generous deed should not be checked with cold counsel. You are to join the tower guard." Faramir added. "I didn't think they would find any livery that would fit me." Pippin chuckled as he scratched the top of his head.

"Once belonged to a young boy of the city. A very foolish one who wasted many hours slaying dragons instead of attending to his studies."

"This was yours?" Pippin asked. "Yes, it was mine. My father had it made for me." Faramir replied as he smiled. "Well... I'm taller than you were then. Though I'm not likely to grow anymore, except sideways." Pippin added which made both of them laugh. "Never fitted me either. Boromir was always the soldier. They were so alike, he and my father. Proud. Stubborn even. But strong." Faramir said as he dropped his smile.

 "I think you have strength of a different kind. And one day your father will see it."

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