Chapter 33: news

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Aragorn rides on Brego. He rides for three days before he comes closer to Helm's deep. On the way he stops. He sees the army of Saruman marching closer to Helm's deep. Without hesitation he pulled harshly on Brego's reins and sped off to warn Rohan. "Mae carnen, Brego, mellon nîn." (Well done, Brego, my friend.) He whispered to his horse as he rode through the gates of the city. He rides up to the fortress and in to the courtyard.

"Where is he! Where is he! Get out of my way! I'm gonna kill him! You are the luckiest, the cunningest, and most reckless man I ever knew!" Gimli shouted as he embraced Aragorn. "Bless you, laddie!" He joked and Aragorn smiled. "Gimli, where is the king?" He ordered as he walked towards the crowd of people in search of the King. On the way he ran into Legolas. "Le abdollen." (You're late.) "You look terrible." Aragorn laughed and put his hand on Legolas' shoulder.

Èowyn sees them. Legolas gives Aragorn Arwen's Evenstar. "Hannon le." (Thank you.) Aragorn whispers before he pushes the doors open and enters the throne room to see Théoden sitting inside. This confuses the King as he thought Aragorn was killed. "All Isengard is emptied." The ranger declared as he strode through the large double barricaded doors towards the King. "How many?" Aragorn left no time for silence as he immediately answered, "Ten thousand strong at least." Théoden turned to face Aragorn. "Ten thousand?!"

"It is an army bred for a single purpose: to destroy the world of Men." The King shuddered at the words he was hearing. "They will be here by nightfall." His heart dropped. "Let them come." He said reluctantly as he walked outside, Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli following him. "I want every man and strong lad able to bear arms, to be ready for battle by nightfall." The King ordered. "We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg."

"This is no rabble of mindless orcs. These are Uruk-hai. Their armour is thick and their shields broad." Gimli muttered to himself. "I have fought many wars, Master Dwarf. I know how to defend my own keep." The King retorted as they continued to walk. "They will break upon this fortress like water on rock. Saruman's hordes will pillage and burn, we've seen it before. Crops can be resown. Homes rebuilt. Within these walls, we will outlast them."

"They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages. They come to destroy its people. Down to the last child!" Aragorn shouted at the King. "What would you have me do? Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If this is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance!" Théoden replied. "Send out riders, my lord. You must call for aid." Legolas interrupted. "And who will come. Elves? Dwarves? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead."

"Gondor will answer." Aragorn added. "Gondor? Where was Gondor when the Westfold fell? Where was Gondor when our enemies closed in around us!? Where was Gon — No, my Lord Aragorn, we are alone." Théoden walked away from Aragorn as he ordered, "Get the women and children into the caves." "We need more time to lay provisions for a siege, lord —" Aragorn heard Gamling say as the two of them moved further away. "There is no time. War is upon us!" Théoden shouted and Gamling knew not to argue with the King. "Secure the gate."

People scurry around Helm's Deep frantically when the nerves finally set in. "Come on people! Quickly, now!" One man shouts in the distance. "We'll place the reserves along the wall. They can support the archers from above the gate-" Aragorn instructs but Legolas interrupts him. "Aragorn, you must rest. You're no use to us half-alive." Before he has time to answer Èowyn called out for him. "Aragorn! I'm to be sent with the women into the caves." Aragorn smiled, "That is an honourable charge."

"To mind the children, to find food and bedding when the men return. What renown is there in that?" Èowyn added looking into the distance. "My lady, a time may come for valor without renown. Who then will your people look to in the last defence?" Aragorn questioned looking at the men who were busily getting ready to become soldiers. "Let me stand at your side." Aragorn stopped to look at the young maiden. "It is not in my power to command it." He replied as he began to walk away. "You do not command the others to stay! They fight beside you because they would not be parted from you. Because they love you. Your sister would want me too.." She whispered the last part and Aragorn remembered that he had not seen Rowan this whole time.

"My sister.. Lady Rowan, where is she? I have not seen her since my fall." Aragorn asked looking deep into Èowyn's brown eyes. There was silence. "WHERE IS SHE?" He shouted when he didn't get an answer, he was now growing worried. "Don't you know.." Èowyn whispered looking down at the ground then back up at the ranger. "she was taken.. they took her..." She mumbled before she burst into tears. "Who? Where?" He demanded.

"The warg rider leader, I don't know why though, Legolas said they were taking her to Isengard." Èowyn continued to mumble. "I'm so sorry.." Aragorn heard her cry as he stormed off knocking into a few people on the way. He had to get her back. But they were on the brink of a battle so she would have to wait.

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