Chapter 29: prepare

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"Simbelmynë, ever has it grown on the tombs of my forebears. Now it shall cover the grave of my son." Théoden cried as he looked at the white flower that was blooming. "Alas, that these evil days should be mine. The young perish and the old linger. That I should live to see the last days of my house." He continued. "Théodred's death was not of your making." Gandalf sighed as he turned to face his friend.

"No parent should have to bury their child." Théoden mumbled making a single tear fall down Rowan's cheek. Théoden started to cry and covered his face. "He was strong in life. His spirit will find its way to the halls of your fathers." Gandalf smiled and Rowan cried into Legolas' chest. "Westu hál. Ferðu, Théodred, Ferðu." (Be-thou well. Go-thou, Théodred, go-thou.)

The group then turns and saw two children, Èothain and Freda riding a horse in the distance, alone. Èothain falls off the horse, knowing something was wrong Rowan escaped Legolas' embrace and ran through the fields towards the young children. Freda was in hysterics and kept mumbling her mothers name. Èothain was exhausted and needed water immediately. Rowan quickly jumped onto the horse, gently placing Èothain in front of her. Freda was in front of her brother as Rowan held onto the reins and rode back towards the others as fast as she could. As she got closer she decided to ride straight up to the hall, instead of stopping. Legolas looked on and Aragorn gave him a look.


"They had no warning. They were unarmed. Now the Wildmen are moving through westfold, burning as they go, every rick, cot and tree." Rowan explained as she helped Èothain to drink. "Èothain you need to drink something or you'll die from exhaustion." Rowan whispered to the young boy as she turned her gaze from the King to him. "Where's mama?" Freda cried and Èowyn comforted her, "Hush" as she hugged her. "This is but a taste of the terror that Saruman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven mad by the fear of Sauron. "Ride out and meet him head on. Draw him away from your women and children. You must fight." Gandalf shouted and Rowan shuddered at his tone.

"You have two thousand good men riding north as we speak. Èomer is loyal to you. His men will return and fight for their king." Aragorn added still smoking from his pipe. Rowan smiled at that name, it sure was not one to forget. "They will be three hundred leagues from here by now! Èomer cannot help us." Théoden sighed before continuing, "I know what is that you want of me. But I would not bring further death to my people. I will not risk open war." Aragorn and Rowan both scoffed, "Open war is upon you, whether would risk it or not." Théoden walks to Aragorn. "When last I looked, Théoden, not Aragorn, was king of Rohan." He yet again was interrupted by Gimli. "Burp!"

"Then what is the king's decision?" Gandalf declared as Rowan still held onto Freda who was looking around terrified and confused. "Your mama's going to okay." She whispered trying to comfort the panic stricken girl.


"By order of the King, the city must empty. We make for the refuge of Helm's Deep. Do not burden yourself with treasures. Take only what provisions you need." Háma declared as he read from a scroll that the King had, had printed. "Helm's Deep! They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?" Gimli muttered as they headed into the stables. "He is only doing what he thinks is best for his people. Helm's Deep has saved them in the past." Aragorn sighed as he gently stroked the mane of ShadowFax. "He's sending them to their death!" Rowan shouted throwing her head into her head.

"There is no way out than that of ravine. Théoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he is leading them to safety, but what he'll get is a massacre." Gandalf added and Rowan moaned loudly, "Great. Just great!" she muttered. "Théoden has a strong hold but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan. He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold."

"They will hold." Was Aragorn's even though he was unsure. "The Grey Pilgrim. That is what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of men I've walked this earth and now, I have no time. Good luck. My search will not be in vain. Look to my coming, at first light, on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the East." He was instructed by Gandalf who then turned to the rest. "Go." Rowan smiled and Shadowfax sprints out of the stable carrying Gandalf.

Refugees begin streaming out of Edoras. Rowan ran out of the stables following after ShadowFax but stopped when they rode further out of sight.

Inside Théoden's chamber, the king prepared to leave. "I am ready, Gamling. Bring my horse." King Théoden demanded and Gamling looked petrified. "This is not a defeat. We will return." he reminded him. Gamling smiled before leaving Théoden alone in the room with his lost thoughts. "We will return." he murmured to himself. Not too far down the hall, Èowyn opened a chest and took out a sword. Rowan looked from the other side of the room at how good she was with a blade and how her swings were almost perfect. She practices with it and swings around however Aragorn blocked one of her swings. Rowan smiled and then turned her focus to Legolas who was sharpening his arrows whilst sitting alone. She felt sad so she joined him.

"You have some skill with a blade." Aragorn complemented Èowyn. They locked eyes for a few moments before Èowyn freed her sword from Aragorn's and put hers to his neck. Rowan was going to stand up and storm over but Legolas put his arm out- as if telling her not too. Aragorn lowers his blade in respect and Rowan sighed and sat back down. "Women of this country learned long ago that those without swords may still die upon them." Èowyn spoke harshly not looking at Aragorn. "I fear neither death nor pain."

"What do you fear my lady?" Aragorn asked softly and Èowyn turned back to face him. She smiled and then dropped it. "A cage. To stay behind bars until use and old age accept them. And all chance of valor has gone beyond recall or desire." She responded looking at the ranger right in the eyes. "You are a daughter of kings. A shieldmaiden of Rohan. I do not think that will be your fate." Èowyn smiled again and blushed.

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