Chapter 52: cheers

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Éowyn looked out from the Houses of Healing. Faramir walked to her side.  "The city has fallen silent. There is no warmth left in the sun. It grows so cold." Éowyn whispered to Faramir. "It's just the damp of the first spring rain." He replied and Éowyn turned to Faramir.  "I do not believe this darkness will endure." Faramir spoke hopefully. They hold hands and smile. Éowyn rests her head on Faramir's shoulder. Faramir smiled like he had never smiled before.

Aragorn lead the army of men, and Rowan, towards the Black Gate. After not too much marching they come within sight of the Black Gate. Aragorn's troops reach the Black Gate, unopposed. This is strange Rowan thought to herself. She looked towards Éomer who looked back equally confused. Aragorn and his men continue to stand at the Black Gate, which still appears to be deserted.  "Where are they?" Pippin whispered to himself. Aragorn spured his horse towards the gate. He is followed by Rowan,  Éomer, Gandalf, Legolas and Gimli.

Aragorn addressed the large gates,  "Let the Lord of the Black Land come forth! Let justice be done upon him!" The gate creaked open, ever so slightly. Merry, who was seated behind Rowan, tightened his grasp around Rowan's waist and she sensed his fear. The Eye's gaze turned from Frodo and the Black Gate creaked and swayed open, revealing an army of marching orcs. Barad-dûr looms in the background, its Eye now staring at Aragorn.

 "Pull back! Pull back!" Aragorn's company returned to the awaiting army of men. Orcs pour out of the Black Gate. Aragorn addressed an unsettled army of men. "Hold your ground! Hold your ground." Aragorn ordered.  "Sons of Gondor! Of Rohan! My brothers! I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me. A day may come when the courage of Men fails, when we forsake our friends, and break all bonds of fellowship, but it is not this day." He stopped before continuing. "An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the Age of Men comes crashing down, but it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you stand, Men of the West!" The soldiers draw swords.

The orc masses begin to encircle the army of men. Aragorn and his company  dismounted for some reason, and are now not using bows. The Orcs greatly outnumber the men. "Never thought I'd die fighting side by side with an elf." Gimli muttered to Legolas and the elf laughed, "What about side by side with a friend?" Gimli smiled. "Aye, I could do that." At the Black Gate, the Eye calls out. "Aragorn... Elessar..." Aragorn appeared momentarily tempted by the voice before he turned back to address Gandalf. Gandalf, holding Frodo's shirt, looks questionably at Aragorn. "For Frodo." He whispered.

Waving his sword, Aragorn ran towards the orcs, yelling. Merry and Pippin run in after him, the rest of the army soon following. A Nazgûl flies over the fighting at the Black Gate. The Nazgûl descended. As Gandalf fought, a familiar moth flew in front of his face. Gandalf's face brightened. Bird cries are heard and several Eagles appear and attack the Nazgûl. "Eagles! The Eagles are coming!" Pippin smiled. The Nazgûl beasts and the Eagles fight. Fighting continued at the Black Gate. Aragorn turned to look at a huge troll heading his way. Aragorn engages with the troll. Rowan comes from behind and stabs its foot and the back of it's leg, just before its boulder bashes into her stomach throwing her to the ground.

Legolas sees this and tries to make his way to Rowan. At the Black Gate, the troll stomps on the fallen female ranger. Rowan took out her dagger and stabs the troll in the foot again, making it squeal. 

Suddenly the Eye cries out. Sauron's troops look back to Mordor, then flee. Left alone, Rowan weakly stands and with the others and looks on.  Éomer rushed over and put an arm around her waist helping her to stand without falling. She looked over at him, smiled, before she rested her head on his shoulder and looked up at the sky. Legolas looked angry.

Together they watch the tower of Barad-dûr slowly fall over. The Eye of Sauron disappeared, letting lose a great shockwave and the army of the West cheers. Rowan cheers as she throws her arms into the air, just missing Éomer's head, causing him to laugh. The surrounding landscape crumbles too and the Black Gate collapsed as the ground caves in. Much of Sauron's army fell as well. 

 "Frodo! Frodo!" Merry cheered. "Sam! Sam!" Pippin cheered after Merry. The men yell in victory. Rowan screaming the loudest by far. Mount Doom erupted in a large explosion causing Rowan to stop screaming and stand still. The eruption kills the remaining Nazgûl. "Frodo.. Sam.." Rowan mumbled as she looked over at her brother who was thinking the same thing. Three Eagles appear in the sky over Mount Doom. One carried Gandalf. The birds gracefully glide down and  scoop up the hobbits and carry them away to safety.

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