Chapter 44: osgiliath

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Inside Gondor's throne room, Pippin knelt before Denethor as Faramir observed.  "Here do I swear fealty and service to Gondor. In peace or war. In living or dying. Fr... from... from... from this hour henceforth, until my lord release me, or death... take me." Pippin recited wondering if he had forgotten something. Denethor rised, smiling. "And I shall not forget it. Nor fail to reward that which is given."

Denethor held out his ringed hand to Pippin, who kissed it reluctantly. "Fealty with love. Valor with honour."  Denethor added. He then turned to Faramir, "Disloyalty with vengeance." Denethor sat down to eat.  "I do not think we should so lightly abandon the outer defences. Defences that your brother long held intact."

 "What would you have me do?" Faramir asked to which his father responded with, "I will not yield the river and Pelennor unfought. Osgiliath must be retaken." Faramir scoffed a little louder than he hoped for. "My lord, Osgiliath is overrun." His father didn't care, Faramir wasn't surprised as he knew he wouldn't. "Much must be risked in war. Is there a Captain here who still has the courage to do his lord's will?" Faramir sighed, tears brimming in his eyes. "You wish now that our places had been exchanged. That I had died and Boromir had lived."

 "Yes. I wish that." As soon as Pippin heard that he wanted to intervene and say something but Faramir gave him a look that told him not to. "Since you are robbed of Boromir, I will do what I can in his stead." Faramir said as he walked away. He turns back.  "If I should return, think better of me, father." A single tear escaped from the corner of his eye.  "That will depend on the manner of your return." His father spat back. Faramir walked slowly away from his father.


Faramir lead a group of cavalry slowly out of Minas Tirith. Citizens watch on, looking sad, knowing they wont all survive. Some throw flowers in the men's path. Gandalf pushed through the crowd.  "Faramir, Faramir! Your father's will is turned to madness. Do not throw away your life so rashly."

 "Where does my allegiance lie if not here?" Faramir questioned as he continued on his way.  "This is the city of the Men of Númenor. I will gladly give my life to defend her beauty, her memory, her wisdom." He added.  "Your father loves you, Faramir. He will remember it before the end." Faramir scoffed as the cavalry formed a line and heads towards Osgiliath. At Osgiliath, orcs rise to meet the charge.

Inside, Denethor eats. Pippin stands nearby.  "Can you sing, Master Hobbit?" Inquired the steward. "Well, yes. At least, well enough for my own people. But, we have no songs for great halls and... evil times." The hobbit replied, quickly.  "And why should your songs be unfit for my halls? Come, sing me a song." As Pippin sings, Faramir's men gallop toward Osgiliath, and Denethor eats messily. Rowan would be appalled is she saw and I mean who wouldn't?

"Home is behind, the world ahead and there are many paths to tread. Through shadow to the edge of night until the stars are all alight. Mist and shadow cloud and shade all shall fade, all shall fade." Pippin sang softly. As Pippin's song ends, orc archers appearred from within Osgiliath, and fire on Faramir's men. Pippin ends his song, holding back tears. Gandalf sits in an empty courtyard. 

A bell tolls.

Trolls push siege towers across the river bridge at Osgiliath.


Théoden and Aragorn ride through the encampment at Dunharrow, surveying Rohan's army. "Grimbold, how many?" Théoden questioned. "I bring five hundred men from the Westfold, my Lord." Grimbold answered.  "We have three hundred more from Fenmarch." Gamling added from not too far away. "Where are the riders from Snowbourn?"

"None have come, my Lord." Gamling replied. From a small, high encampment, Théoden surveys his army.  "Six thousand spears. Less than half of what I'd hoped for." He sighed.  "Six thousand will not be enough to break the lines of Mordor." Aragorn added as he walked towards the King.  "More will come." The King hoped. "Every hour lost hastens Gondor's defeat. We have till dawn. Then we must ride." Théoden nodded. A horse reared.  "The horses are restless, and the men are quiet." Legolas pointed as he kept his eyes fixed on the horses.

 "They grow nervous in the shadow of the mountain." Éomer answered. "That road there, where does that lead?" Gimli asked pointing to the road between the mountain. "It is the road to the Dimholt; the door under the the mountain." Legolas replied before Éomer added,  "None who venture there ever return. That mountain is evil." Aragorn and looked down the path and saw a shadowy profile. Rowan stepped closer to the mountain as if it was calling to her, but she was pulled back by Éomer.  "Aragorn, let's find some food." Asked Gimli as Rowan smiled at Éomer. Legolas joined them not wanting to spend anytime with Rowan alone especially is she was smiling with someone else.

At night, inside a tent, Éowyn helped Merry dress for battle. "There. A true esquire of Rohan." Éowyn smiled and Rowan clapped as she walked into the tent. "I'm ready!" Merry beamed. Merry drew his sword. Éowyn leaned back just in time, startled but amused. "Sorry. It isn't all that dangerous. It's not even sharp." Merry pointed out.  "Well that's no good. You won't kill many orcs with a blunt blade. Come on! To the smithy, go!" Rowan shooed at the hobbit. Merry exited the tent, taking practice swings. Éowyn and Rowan followed together, laughing. Éomer and Gamling sat nearby, eating.  "You should not encourage him." Éowyn heard her brother grumble from nearby. "You should not doubt him."

 "I do not doubt his heart, just the reach of his arm." Éomer joked and Gamling chuckled. Éowyn was quick to reply, "Why should Merry be left behind? He has as much cause go to war as you! Why can he not fight for those he loves?" Éomer stood up to face his sister. "You know as little of war as that Hobbit. When the fear takes him, and the blood and the screams and the horror of battle take hold, do you think he would stand and fight?" Éomer paused before continuing. "He would flee, and he would be right to do so. War is the province of men, Éowyn."

Rowan scoffed beside Éowyn. "That's a bit sexist." She shouted. " A woman could easily fight and kill loads of men.. just if she had the right motivation anyway." She finished before dragging Éowyn away back to the tent.

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