Chapter 5: gallery

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He led the way into an opening to a gloomy room and let Rowan go in first. Boromir only had eyes to a fresco on the wall, but Rowan's sought out her brother, hidden in the shadows. Rowan gave him a cheerful wave which he returned with a small wave of his own. He said nothing to alert Boromir to his presence, and Rowan definitely wasn't going to say anything. Aragorn raised an eyebrow as she pointed to Boromir, "Look who it is!" She mouthed.

Boromir had moved on from the fresco and was looking at the sculpture in the centre of the room, or more specifically, what it held. Rowan peeked over his shoulder and he stood to the side so she could see it. "The shards of Narsil. The blade that cut the Ring from Sauron's hand!" he breathed in awe. He had picked up what was left of the sword, and to Rowan's surprise, presented it to her so she could have a closer look.

"Wow, it really is... something," Rowan commented. Boromir gave Rowan a quick smile, understanding that she was not that impressed. She ran a hand over the blade, pleased at its smoothness. As she ran a nail along its length, it sang and Rowan was entranced by the sound.

Aragorn closed his book softly, but Boromir was shocked out of his stupor, honestly believing that the two of them were alone. He only twitched slightly, but that was enough for the sword to slice through Rowan's hand. Rowan felt a sharp pain across her palm and snatched her hand back, but the damage was already done. She hissed and tried to stop the bleeding with her other hand, but there was a line of blood across her palm. Boromir snapped his attention back to Rowan with a stricken look. "I am sorry! I- here, use this," he stuttered out and gave her a clean cloth, yet Rowan smiled.

He gently took her hand and pressed the cloth down on where she had been cut. He applied pressure and soon the bleeding stopped. Aragorn strode over crossly, and he gave Boromir an incredibly judgy look. Boromir stepped back back at the ranger's hostility, but couldn't help but bristle at the indignity. Aragorn made him feel small, something that was foreign to him and quite unpleasant.

Aragorn turned his attention to Rowan and took a quick look at the cut, "It is not too deep, the bleeding has stopped now. I am sure the healers will be able to bandage it up for you." Her brother's voice was soft but firm, and he cast a suspicious look at Boromir who looked like he was about to explode. Aragorn dropped his eyes to the sword in Boromir's hands, and Rowan couldn't help but look at it too. At her scrutiny, Boromir dropped the sword as though it was on fire. It fell with a clang and Boromir looked at it guilty, before looking back at Rowan and Aragorn.

Feeling embarrassed and scolded, Boromir left hautily, leaving Rowan and Aragorn alone again. Rowan inspected the cut, which ran from her ring finger to the base of her thumb. It was a thin red line and it didn't sting as much anymore. "That sword really is sharp," Rowan finally said. Aragorn bent down to pick it up. He held it with the same reverence that Boromir did, and Rowan was struck by how similar they were. Both were men of Gondor, and all things considered, Boromir was meant to be her brother's steward. Aragorn places the sword back onto its resting place and bowed slightly. He turned his gaze to his sister, "I would be careful when speaking to men if I were you. They are proud and stubborn, and cause harm even without meaning to".

Rowan felt the need to defend Boromir, and all other men that Aragorn had just insulted. Not be a 'not all men' person, but Aragorn's hostility seemed misplaced. "Maybe he wouldn't have been so freaked out if you had said hello like a normal person," she scolded, "And I'll have you know that you are a man as well! Boromir may be awkward and proud, but he's a good guy and you should give him a chance."

Aragorn furrowed his brows and looked like he was going to say more, but stopped. "Let me take a look at your hand, we can go to a healer and get it fixed," he said. Rowan felt as though her brother was ignoring the situation and grew a little more angry, "I'm fine Aragorn!"

Aragorn was taken aback but you were already turning away. "Don't bother with a healer, I'll find my own way," Rowan called out.

As she exited the gallery, Arwen was coming in. She smiled at Rowan warmly and her foul mood dissipated. Then she remembered her brother and scowled again. "You might want to talk to your man there," Rowan advised. Arwen thanked her and eyed the cut on Rowan's hand before gliding in gracefully. Rowan sighed, how the hell do all the elves do that? Just once, she'd like to see one of them trip over or something.

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