Chapter 47 - Isekai Goes Missing

Start from the beginning

Kagaya observed their expressions, then announced: "I'm aware that Isekai Mizuki of your class possibly may have gone missing, and I might be able to help. Yushiro, correct me if I'm wrong, but you said that two people took a boy in a black hoodie?"

Yushiro nodded. Kagaya thought about it, then added: "With a capturing operation as swift as that, they must have gotten to their base already. Luckily for you, I know its location."

Kaigaku then looked at Kagaya, and thought, "I want to just roast the hell out of him here and now, but something tells me I shouldn't be impolite...  Excuse me, where is the location of said person's base you speak of?" he asked with a good attitude.

Most of the students were a little shocked, Kagaya included. "Oh? I was told you were one of the hotheaded ones." he asked. He shrugged it off, adding: "No matter. Since you asked nicely, may as well. It's off in the deepest ends of the Southeastern corner of town. It's a cafe run by a man in a Yaksha's mask and a pretty lady who wears Sakura branches for a hat accessory. You'll find a hatch behind there. It's not Muzan Kibutsuji's base, but it's a good starting location. You can't miss it, it's the only one in the Southeastern corner of town."

Zenitsu piped up, asking: "Wait, you mean Yaksha Yoshika's cafe? The rival of Mama Kamado's Bakery? The very vessel that's rumored to hold the only remaining Yaksha puppet in slumber?"

Kagaya nodded. He then said: "Be careful where you tread. The place is very confusing and could make you dizzy. If I were to put the description of the structure into words, I'd say... Gravity would constantly twist and turn in there."

"Hmm..." Kanao thought. Kaigaku shrugged, saying: "Well, either way, we can't leave him." Zenitsu nodded, agreeing. "I guess you're right..." Tanjiro then exclaimed: "Then we're gonna go save him!"

"Well, I'll just file a report on why you're absent for now... But, I can only have eight people come with me." she agreed indirectly, sighing as she began writing things in a folder. "YEAH!" the class cheered.

"Wait, but who'll go?" Yushiro asked. Kanae looked around carefully, then she picked the following. "Hmm... Murata, Tanjiro, Kanao, Nezuko, Yuichiro, Inosuke, Kaigaku and Zenitsu." All of who were chosen agreed, and went out with their advisor to find their friend.

They all got loaded up in a bus, which had just enough seats for the nine of them. "Where'd ya like to go?" the driver prompted with a bright expression and voice. Yuichiro took his request. "Take us to Yaksha Yoshika's cafe at the Southeastern point." The driver nodded, then prompting the other eight. "Alright then, what about the rest of ye?" The others then answered: "Yaksha Yoshika's, Southeastern point." The driver shrugged, then driving away.

A quarter through the ride, Tanjiro fell asleep. In his dreams, he met Masuki Kamado again.

Masuki saw him, then began a conversation by prompting him. "Ah, kiddo. How are ya doing with my Shockwire?" "I'm doing alright. Still hurts, though. Also, what did you mean by six or seven other magics? When do I get to first use them?" he asked.

Masuki told him: "Only when the time is right, kiddo. It'll help you when you most need it." Tanjiro blinked, then answering: "Okay. Anyway, do you know anything about the other users?" Masuki shrugged, then said: "Heh, all I know is that my grandmother is the third user, and m'uncle's the fourth. Until today, the Kagura had run down in the Kamado family since the second user."

Tanjiro then asked: "Who did you pass it to?"

Masuki answered: "My son, or, in your terms, your great-grandfather. He then passed it to my granddaughter-in-law. Your father came after that, then, came you."

"Ah, alright." Tanjiro muttered. Then he recalled his words. A certain phrase prompted him to ask: "Wait, since the second? Who was the first?" Masuki shook his head, answering: "...Only the second holder knew that. He won't reveal who he is to us though, at least, not yet."

Tanjiro shrugged it off for the time being, then asking: "Well, what'll be the next thing I manifest?" Masuki shrugged, answering: "I don't know. It'll all depend on your situation. Now wake the hell up, you've arrived."

Tanjiro snapped awake, and the driver just announced their stop. "Thank y'all for choosin' our services! W'hope we can continue to serve ya again!" he thanked them, driving off. "Well then, let's go behind the shop." Kaigaku uttered, shrugging. They got behind the cafe without being spotted.

Soon, everyone got to the back. They couldn't find the hatch, not at first sight. "Well, you idiots might as well get digging. We might find it under a fuckin' bear or something." Kaigaku recommended arrogantly and jokingly, shoving away some items covering the ground.

"This's gonna get gross... but... you gotta do what you gotta do." Nezuko muttered, picking up a trash can. Later, Kanao stepped on a pressure plate by accident as she tried to move away a dumpster. When she stepped on it, it weighed down, triggering the hatch entrance.

A long silence filled the place. Kaigaku got impatient. "Well, what are you waiting for?!" he questioned angrily, kicking down Zenitsu. Kanao yelled: "Kaigaku!"

Zenitsu hit the floor, then regained his senses. He looked around him, to see that he was in a literal fortress of constant twists and turns. "His description hit it spot-on..." he muttered. Inosuke and Murata hopped down next, soon realizing where they were. Inosuke said: "So this is..." followed by Murata adding: "...a fortress that twists and turns constantly..."

Inosuke then yelled: "THIS THING'S PAST OVERKILL!"

To be continued...

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