chapter 18

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Location kuoh academy


Rias- ara! Now y/n is here i will call kiva to fetch him but who is that guy along with him??

Akeno- ara~if my information is correct his name vali luciel he got transfer here from london.

Rias- akeno can you please call kiba for me??

Akeno- hai buchuo

After akeno leaves

Rias( mind )- my my!! Now u can claim my future bishop..not only that i can have a new knight.

Several minutes later

Kiba- you call me bochuo

Rias- yes kiba can you fetch y/n and the new student name vali for me during lunch.

Kiba- hai buchou

Rias- thank you.

location class room.

TEACHER- alright class we have a new student again

The class went silent

Teacher- you may come in now!

Vali- hello guys i am vali lucies im from london nice to meet you my hobbies are playing video games and practicing sword play!!

Teacher- any question for vali here?

Katase- anoo vali-san! I am katase my question is are you single??

Vali saw katase and immediately attracted to her on the other hand  issei and y/n notice vali was indeed blushing.

Y/n- issei 5 bucks  vali got a crush in instant for katase!

Issei- your on!

But unknow to y/n issei got a massive crush on murayama

Vali ( blushing )- yes! I-iam si-single.

Girls- kaawaaiii he is blushing!!

Teacher-next question

Murayama- hello i am murayama where do you live here in kuoh?

Vali- i live together with y/n l/n here

Teacher- next please

Kiryuu- hello handsome i am kiryuu my question is what is your relative to the snake in kuoh??

Vali- well y/n is my cousin.

Teacher- alright class enough question! Now vali-chan please seat behind your cousin.

Vali- hai!! Sensei!

Murayama- hey! Katase!

Katase- what?

Murayama- i notice something about the new student.

Katase- what is it?

Murayama- i notice that vali is blushing when he answer your question.

Katase- shut it mury! Hhmmpphh if i know ever since that the  mega perv issei. Stop peeping on us you develop your self in liking him.

Murayama- could you blame me fir having a crush on him just look at him damn. That body of his its like a body of an athlete and i cant resist.

Katase- i cant blame you to that. But my question is? When did he becomes so buff??

Aika- ara~ ara~ i guess you two having a day dream toward y/n and vali and that former pevert issei hmm may be we dub our selve as a perverted trio female edition.

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