chapter 25

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Location y/n's house


Katase's father- well katase as we observe have a happy life you here. I never imagine you got another style that you get from valiboy.

Katase- ara dad vali! Didn't teach me! It's y/n. He is the one who teach everything that i know..

Katase's mother-oh dear! I guess you are also gunning for that man ufufufuf~

Katase- wha- no!! He only see me as a daughter in law..but i am happy to be with him..

Katase's parents- were just teasing you  we know you only love vali!

Katase's father- well were is y/n??

Katase- probably on the balcony! With the 3 leaders had a contest again

Katase's father- what contest??

Katase- drinking contest!!

Katase and her parents went to the balcony they were shock every body was present aside from rias.

Katase- hey kiba whats happening!

Kiba- well they are going to have a drinking contest.

Katase- whats the bet!

Kiba- well if  they could beat y/n well  y/n can be their labrat for a month..and y/n will forge a sword and armor of their choices..and if someone is going to surrender first he/she will becomes a labrat for a month...

Katase's father- i think i should join!!

Katase- no you dont..those four got a  tank of a monster!! You cant beat them!!

Katase's mother- she is correct dear those four was indeed a monster..

Back at y/n

Y/n- alright guys you ready!!

The leaders- hai!!

Y/n- sona tsubaki you will be the judge!! Issei bring that so call camera for evidence!!

Vali- i will bring the drinks!!

Y/n- ohh no you dont!! I know both of you pulling something to prank me again so these time i bring my batch here!!

Sirzechs- wait!! Did i hear again??

Y/n-yes!! I got prank by those 2 morons!!

Sirzechs- what!! You fell for a prank by the children!! Bwagahahaha thats so funny!!

Serafall- hahaha the king is down!!!

Azazel- serves you right jackass!!

Y/n- yeah!! Well lets see who is the last man or woman standing!

The parents was shock to the leaders antics and carefree behaviour.

Mury's father- wow! I never knew they were so carefree...

Mury's mother- me neither! Are they really a leader?

Murayama- indeed mom they are just relieving their stress.. beside they got some fun specially y/n was here..

Mury's father- i guess issei was right afterall..hehe a very strict teacher! A friendly red king, a bubbly magical girl and a care free black angel..i made a right choice to trust that labrat of your dear and i'm proud of you..remember this mury even if you are a devil now you are still our baby girl..

Murayama- i love you too daddy

Back to y/n

Y/n-ready! Lets go!!

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