chapter 5

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After the conversation of y/n and the kendo girls issei and y/n resume their walk to the secluded area.

Y/n- so tell me issei why i drag you here??

Issei- i dont know man?! You are the ones who drag me to talk.

Y/n- alright let me ask you are you a devil.

Issei- ( wide eyes ) - how do you know i am a devil?!

Y/n- ohh about that well you see my medallion right is humming so when i bump in to you earlier today i notice that my medallion is hummin that indicates that you are not a human.

Issei- we-well its true i am not a human also. I am a devil now..

Y/n- hmm you see its not hard for you to know and relax man i'm not gonna hurt you. And tell your dragon partner inside you that his killet said hi!!

Issei- wwwhhhaaatt!!! You know also know ddraig!!

Y/n- yes issei how could i not notice that your arm is shivering when you guide me in the sc??

Issei went pale at these time

Y/n- shheeesshh!! Oi red dragon idiot  how is your life there?!

Ddraig- l- llloorrrdd y/n its nice to see you again. 

Y/n- i told you before ddraig before your death that your pride will going down now look at you ha i hope you learn your lesson to not mess with me.

Ddraig- yes my lord i learn my lesson to not mess with the first dragon slayer.

Y/n- so tell me ddraig how these pervert becomes a devil. And dont lie about it or else i will summon great red to beat you!!

Ddraig- hhaaaiii! Though its to long

Y/n- i dont care ddraig..

After a long exolanation

Y/n- so in short that gremory girl let these poor  guy die in the hands of a fallen angel during their date!! Instead of approaching him and ask him to become her servant.

Ddraig- that is all true my lord! And if he  try to kill his master or something stupid issei will be branded as a stray abd he will be haunted and kill.

Y/n- alrigjt ddraig that is enough for me to hear. Issei are you alright

Issei- y-yeah man..

Y/n- issei i'm no stupid or something i live far to long. I know how you feel toward them but i have nothing to do for you..

Issei- it alright man,

Y/n- issei listen dont do anything stupid ok. I know  your master's brother if you kill her he will come to me and make a bounty on your head and i will force to kill you. For i am the only one who can actually kill you.

Ddraig- the slayer is right partner dont do anything stupid right now i dont want to lose you or get slayed for the second time by the same person who kill me and albion.

Y/n- look issei when the time i right i will save you from your master okay i will talk to her brother. As for the moment hang on there kid. Just play along with them.

Ddraig- ahh lord y/n i would like a favor to ask??

Y/n- what is it red idiot??

Ddraig- can you train my host to be strong and achieve his balance breaker?

Y/n- ohh if issei is alright with the terms of my training may be he can become strong as me and besides i need an ally for the up coming war between us and the riders.

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