chapter 21

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Location y/n's house

Y/n- alright guys lets have a dinner now come to the kitchen.

The devils- alright!!


y/n- alright rias before you go to train i will let all your peerage will spar to sona.

Rias- hai! Uhh y/n-san why me and sona going to spar not you?

Y/n- listen rias issei, sona and her peerage are my students. Sirzechs, serafall and azazel will train with me. Not all the time i'm with you all so i trust them to train you all while im haunting a rouge devil and fallen..when i came back i expect a good report to all of you as for now you are going to trained by sona before you going to be trained by issei.. as for you 2 jackass i expect that you train your future queens. Before you train rias. Give me a report every training..sona same goes for you.

Sona, issei,vali-haaii!!

Y/n-zechs can we talk in private.

Sirzechs- hai!!

At the balcony

Sirzechs- what is it you want to talk.

Y/n- zechs i am worried to rias and her peerage they have a huge problem from their past.

Sirzechs- i understand..but what can i do.

Y/n- zechs, i not gonna lie to you. If those 3 cannot move from their past they will gonna loose. And akeno i bet she will gonna go to stray and if she becomes a stray. I will gonna deal with her. And i dont want to end her life. Tell rias to monitor akeno  kiba is no problem he will listen koneko is fragile but she will open up one day..i need 2 months to prepare them into a fight..rias is short on peerage i will allow vali and issei to be her temporary servants. And if these so called riser phenex  use an underhaded move. I will deal him alone. Understand..

Sirzechs- i got it undercontroll. If that happen i will send grayfia here to get you.

Y/n- good!! This time  zechs i dont need your payment. Your sister is in need i will help that

Sirzechs nodded in happiness

Y/n- ohh by the way your armor and swords are now ready i need your inscription come on.

Rias- onii-sama y/n-sama what are you two talking and y/n are you drinking alcohol??

Y/n- ohh these yeah why you want one??

Rias- uhhmm no thanks i am underage..

Y/n- suit your self..

Sirzechs- we are just making an agreement for your team rias on how to deal with riser and i cannot tell you the details

Rias- ohh! OokkAyy! Ohh y/n i'm sorry for attacking you earlier and i notice how strong you are.. i learned my lesson..

Y/n- and what lesson did you learn??

Rias- to not provoke a witcher or monster slayer who has capable to distroy the whole underworld.

Y/n- good! Now zechs lets go to the armory ohh you can come to rias.

Rias- i'll bring my peerage.

Y/n- ok!

Location armory

Kiba- this is a lot of sword!!

Y/n- yeah!! All of them i crafted for my students!

Koneko- wow!! This is cute one.

Y/n- are you sure???

Koneko- yeah!!

Y/n- alright zechs!! Behold the kings!! Armor!! These armor is crafted with the most finest crafting equipment that you never heard and enchanted with high ammount of glyphs! And these armor enchantment is the same as mine..

witcher crossover highschool dxdWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt