chapter 11

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Location y/n's house

Ding! Dong!

Sona- y/n are you there??

Tsubaki- kaichou may be he is not in the house?!

Sona- we will not leave until we dont speak to y/n.

Several minutes

Saji- kaichou may be we should go inside.

Sona- alright saji lets go

After they went inside they saw y/n face and his topless body he is kneeling in both knees sona and the rest of her peerage went shock.

Sona- y/n!! What happen to you

The rest of the peerage were shock beyond belief to see y/n's mutated face.

Tsubaki- is- is that really y/n ?! What happen to him?!

Sona ( worried )- y/n please wake up! Tell me what happen to you.

Saji- y/n speak man. Come on please..

After several minutes later y/n starts to wake up from his meditating.

Y/n- oh- huh?! Sona?! Guys?! Why are you here?? And how did you know my address?!

Saji- first of all tell us what happen to you?!  You look like a zombie that gets rape in a by gay monster?!

Y/n- ha ha! Nice gesture dumbass! I shall tell you later but please call issei?!

Sona-issei was in a contract right now?

Y/n- hahaha! He didn't have a devil contract to the others haha his devil contract is only me..

Sona- what! Issei is your contract the whole time?!


Sona- now get up there and explain to us why are you absent in the past 3 days.

Y/n- well im sssoooorrryyy for my absense wise girl. Any way saji please  be a dear to me to call that idiot for me he is in the basement that perveted dumb ass leave me here when he get his very own toy from me.

Saji- ok where is he now.

Y/n- he is in the basement down to the right now go please.

Saji- ok i'll go now.

Momo- i should accompany you.

Saji- ok now come on.

After saji and momo leave sona and y/n

Sona- so y/n care to explain what happen to you??

Y/n- later sona i am limited to talk right now ack! Cough! Cough!!

Tsubaki- y/n! Please calm down!

While y/n is coughing with bennia notice something. In his body.

Bennia- kaichou i notice something about y/n's body and it is no good.

Sona (gasp)- what! What is is bennia?!

Bennia- he is releasing something. And it is a form of a green smoke.

Sona and the rest  went nervous for y/n after that saji and momo came back with their paled face.

Sona- what happen to the both of you?! Did you manage to find issei?

Saji- ye-yeah !

After that issei appear

Issei- what happen here

Y/n- come here dumb ass

Issei- alright!

Y/n- issei find my alcohol in the room! Now!

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