chapter 47

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After y/n and his crew went to miyabigaoka high to put some spying equipment.

VALI- this is the miyabigaoka high guys so i need to scan if there are people roving around..

Y/n- go vali and report..

After several minutes

Vali- everything was clear lets proceed to operation..

After several hours.

Y/n- i'm done here

Vali- student council was done

Issei/saji- we are done

Y/n- lets go..home we are done here

Location kuoh academy

Y/n- hey guys morning!!

Issei- i'm good last night was intense haha.

Saji- i have reports guys

Vali- lets hear it..

Saji- sona got message that the student president will go to meet her..

Issei- so they will do it huh..

Saji- yeah oh sona said that you will all excuse i will give you some the notes that you missed.

Vali- wait me in the gwent room and we are good to go..

Y/n-you will tell your men??

Vali- yeah i will along with riser.

Issei- alright yo saji call us if theres is a something new..i will go to tje monitoring room..

Y/n- good you can teleport to the house .. me and vali will be here.. if you hear what time  or day they will come call me so that we can buy some equipment ..

Issei- okay..

Lunch time.. gwent club

Saji- yo guys! Vali is right they need the address of our house to meet ciri and guess what!! They will going to enroll her in that school..

Vali/saji/y/n got an evil smile on their face..

Saji- those fools got the bait..

Y/n- oh yeah they got the bait alright..
How about you vali,

Vali- ohh they will help big time riser, arthur,bikuo and riser will be the attacker to abduct..

Saji- kiba will use his speed to abduct that pervert if he is not leaving the car..and sona said they will let them come into the house..

After several hours issei call vali

Issei- vali the fools will come in the house on thursday they will prepare for the grand entrance to the house..they will be at the house at 6 pm..

Y/n- well boys i guess lets begin..

Vali- well jackass gues you and me going to shopping

Saji- i will you all in the house guys..

Y/n- well lets go moron tell the dumbass to go to the gaming room we will start our tayloring talent..

Vali- lets go jackass

Later that night

Ciri- what are you boys doing??

The boys- sewing!!

Ciri- alright i'll go get something to drink may be you will up late..

Sona- can i see your pattern??

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