chapter 35

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Location y/n's house

Before Midnight

Vesimir- alright guys everyting is set the table is prepare.

Eskel- tools are dissenfect.

Lambert-potion and vials and  brews and ready.

Triss- i am ready

Yennifer- i am ready

Geralt- cleansing potion, blood transfution, are ready mutagens are ready to replace and next step i will perform mutagen upgrade to y/n.  Centipedes  mutagen sirenge ready 21 blue greater mutagen, 21 greater red mutaged and 21 greater green mutagen ready, time of procedure ti upgrade 5 hours more or less.

Bennia- i am ready for reading to y/n's vitals reading!

Vesimir- good first procedure extraction of damage parts ,second procedure is replacement of mutagen and removing his seals third blood transfution.

Yen- geralt,eskel during the process i need to get clean to avoid contamination.  I will be the one going first to inforce magic to y/n.

Triss- i will go to the second stage

Yen- geralt i will assist you for your operation to y/n.

Geralt- thanks.

Vesimir- gabriel i know its hard for you to see y/n but i advice you to be strong for him..

Gabriel just nod she was worried and afraid that he might loose y/n again..

Riser- here use this. Drink tgat tears it has the power to replenish your strength. My family are all here the bring 2 dozen of tears for y/n's quick recovery

Yen- thank you..

All the devils and their families were here and all of them are worried and nervous on what would happen.

Vesimir- alright guys its time geralt take y/n's body remove all his clothes..

geralt take hi leave to get y/n's body.

Vesimir- gaby be strong okay. Ni matter what happen be strong i know how painful for you to see your son is suffering..

Gabriel ( crying )- please do everything you could to fix y/n's body..

Vesimir- would strong. I know what i could do. Because ( smile ) i am the one who perform all of his mutation process. You will shock after everything is done.

Gabriel- tgank you..

Lambert- now listen up!! We want you all to be strong!! For him!! We know its hard for all of you to see your master is suffering!! Be strong for him!! Because i know!! That piece of trash will come back!! All brand new!!

Eskel- all this time lambert you are still a prick!! listen be strong for y/n
I know you are afraid!! Even us are afraid!! Because we are the ones who will gonna fix him back!!

The devils- we will be here for you all we wish you good luck.!!

Michael ( pray )- father give us strength..pleas protect my nephew..

5 minutes later geralt returns carrying y/n's naked body.

Kuroka- wow he has some huge boner~nya!

Vali- kuroka you better stop your flirting at him.

Kuroka- why? I just want to have a babie with him! Nya!

Vali- hahaha!! You think you can..that trash cant have babies!  He is infertile!! Bwahaha.. and dont think about it.

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