chapter 22

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As the days pastthe witcher his friends train them selve everyday..y/n and the leaders are train seriously sirzechs and azazel is now par with y/n in terms of sword fighting serafall is proffecient in magic sona is now mastering her magic and alchemy, issei, vali and saji are now stronger they can access their true dragon form and their abilities while the kendo girls are sword masters and dragon tamers muryama learns that she has a sacred gear that contains tiamat  she gains access to her balance breaker..while albion never stops to annoy ddraig..rias and her peerage also now in training they accept their herritage in order to get strong..and y/n was a proud father for his two adopted dragons.

Location y/n's house

Rias-y/n why are you alone??

Y/n-its nothing rias i am just worried for something.

Rias- come on y/n just tell me and my peerage trust us please..

Y/n- if you want to hear it just come to the living room.

Location living room

Y/n- what do you want to hear?

Kiba- you said you been in multiple experiment.

Y/n- yes kiba i have been in multiple experiments unlike the other kinds of witcher only 2 of us survive while thw other witchers undergo to only 1 mutation experiments.

Kiba- who is the other 1?

Y/n- his name is  geralt of rivia. Both me and him are the only survivor on that experiments we both trained in advance alchemy, exorcism rites , forging armors and swords, and magic.

Kiba- i see.

Y/n- you see kiba. Out of 1000 children including me and him are both test subject. Only 2 are survive and the others died! And some of my comrade pleaded me to end me ...and i ended their lives..since that day i fixed my way.. i go to the path all alone..while geralt helps innocent to ammends his sins. I am his opposite.. i kill innocent people and a little of monsters just gor a bloody coin in order to live..until one day i meet geralt again..and starts to lecturing me to ammend my sins until he brings me to his school and i met his adopted daughter and be friend of her..
His daughter named ciri. Both me and geralt trained her..for several years i've been with her was fell inlove with her ciri knows my feelings geralt approved it along with the other witchers ang the mages. They said that ciri is the only one who can change me..kiba dont do the same mistake that i did kiba you are young you have new friends worried for you have a wonderful master though she is a spoiled brat at first i cant blame her because of her current situation..

Kiba is now crying in shame.

Rias- what about ciri where is she?

Y/n i dont really know rias where she is..her power she can travel space and time and some friend of mine told us that she was located here and thats lead me to come here but dont worry about that your brother and azazel tracking her now..and akeno i may not know you but you have to accept who you realy are you are lucky that you have a father dont push him away..i know he loves you so much one day you will need your  father's guidance..rias can not  help you in your situation..only you can help you your self..

Akeno was crying in mess

Y/n- well koneko here is the one who manage to accept. Her identity ohh by the way how did you know i was lying koneko??

Koneko- i use senjutsu??

Y/n-a what now???

Rias- in short y/n she is using her natures energy.

Y/n- ohh!! I see.

Sona- hey y/n if that day will come can me and my peerage can come too?

Y/N-what!! Are you serious!!

witcher crossover highschool dxdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora