chapter 82

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as the party continue all the new and the old student's having a good time enjoying their selves. while issei and his group. enjoying playing a gwent tournament along with y/n and the rest of the new gwent club members even sona and her peerage talking to the new student council group and the disciplinary group in high school and college level.

issei-dang it! we lost again!!

vali-well it's okay!! we don't bet anything you know!!

y/n- yes it's alright! guys i missed playing games with you three..

saji-we missed you too! maan!! but i'm sorry about what happen back then..

y/n- no worries!! i guess ciri is not the one for me!! 

issei-yeah!! we men have our rules man..we might be stupid in a way of relationship but seeing our beloved kissed another man even if it's a good bye. still not acceptable.

vali-yeah! specially in public. either way it's good to see you manage to resolve your problem.

y/n-yep thanks to all your efforts brothers!! haha

during the talk of the three dragons and y/n one of the new gwent club members talk to y/n

??-hello guys! i am satoshi the president of the gwent club member! it is nice to see the three of founder of the gwent club.

issei-it was good to see you satoshi!! how was the club!!

satoshi- well the club was fine!! and we had more members this time!! i heard from the old students here that the three of you are the founder of gwent club and the former student riser phenex was the manager.. and we manage to be a grand champion in gwent tournament!!

vali-well we read the news!! man! but don't get in your head! not all gwent champions are well in a battle.

satoshi-well yeah!! i am proud to be a battle!! and i fully understand how the rules and standards

saji-neeehhh!! do you really understand what is the meaning of gwent behind the card

satoshi- well if i may not wrong..gwent is a battle of strategies between two contestant.

saji-well versed man! but don't get it in your head because you are not the only one who knows how to play it..

satoshi-that will do! ohh any way!! you 3 are playing gwent right! it was weird the 4 of you play it in the mixed style??

isssei-ohh we play it in 3 vs 1 one battle.

satoshi-the rule stated it was team battle.

saji-well that may true but we don't follow the rules..


y/n-ohh please the rules can be bent! 

satoshi-and who are you to do that?? i know that you are the son of the arch angel!

issei-ohh please! even if try to challenge him you can't win no matter how you try!!

vali- we challenge him 100,000 times and we can't win.

saji-to tell you boy! before you know the gwent card game. he's the one who introduce the game of gwent in this world.

vali- we know the gwent here through mobile application. but when he arrive here he bring the real gwent card!!

satoshi-well we shoul see and try!!

y/n-show your card!!

satoshi show his gwent card to y/n. the four was laughing to his deck.

witcher crossover highschool dxdOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora