chapter 65

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 location kuoh academy

teacher- congratulations on your new title guys! you deserve it due to your hard work

dragons- your welcome teacher!!

y/n-finally!! a new gods!!! haha i knew you 2 would make it!! same goes for you murayama and saji!!!

bullies-hahaha!! where are you going!! cosplay!!

y/n-yeah! we are going to have a party!! and you are the perfect baits!! 

bullies-baits for what!!

y/n- ohh boyysss!!! 

issei and saji tied the bullies!! while riser along with matsuda and motohama  hang the bullies upside down!!

bullies- heeelllppp!!! ohh come on guys!! we were just joking!!

y/n-well boys!! don't even pull a jokes to a pranksters boys!!

ciri-darling!! mmmwwwaahhh!!! i'm so proud of you!! if not for you my friends and body guard will not achieve their dreams!! oohhh!!! i love you!!!

classmates- get married already!!!

y/n- ohh we will!! when we come back here!!!

girl classmates- make sure to envite us !!!

ciri-of course!!!

y/n-ohh by the way you can go the masion and stay there while we are gone okay!!!

teacher and classmates-yeeahhh!!!!

kendo girl1- wait all of you guys have been on his house??

boy classmates-yeah!! we know his house!!

kendo girl 2-wait is issei also staying there??

girl classmates2-yeah he lives there! along his team and the devils!!

kendo girl 2-can we go there too??

y/n-sorry but no! i can't  accept any visitors anymore after what you did to one of my heavy fighter?? do you think i can accept you.

kendo girl2-i'm sorry

y/n-don't say sorry to me. say your sorry to issei and you know. murayama was very pissed to you. if you must know dragons are a territorial being. they are also over protective to their lover.

kendo girl 2-hhmmpp!! 

y/n-so run along bye bye!

girl classmate3- hey don't be so rude.

y/n-hmm?? nahh.. its her own fault if you ask me. 

girl classmate3-i agree to you..hey by the way good luck y/n and be safe okay!!

girl classmate 3 hugs y/n.

y/n-aww you making me blush!!

girl classmate 3-haha!! well yeah!! i have a huge crush on you! if you ask me!!

y/n-well thank you for having a huge crush on me. can we be friends??

girl classmate 3-of course we were! i will not gonna involve my self to your agenda.. as long as we are friends i am happy.

y/n kiss his classmates fore head

y/n-please take good care of our house or vacation house while we are gone okay!!

boy classmate- don't worry  man we will take good care of the house..i heard that sona and riser's parent will be staying in the house.

ciri-please tell them that we are thankful.

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