chapter 84

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during the talk of y/n and new student council member they both decide to go on their room while y/n bring the sleeping koneko to her y/n pass to the sona's room. the new student council was also in sona's room they are laughing so hard as if they are talking something funny so h decide to bring them drinks and snacks.

y/n-hey girls! 

sona- hi y/n! what are you doing here??

new student council president- you know it was rude to interfere to a girl talk?

y/n-well i sorry for that i just come here to bring you something to drink and some biscuits..

sona-it's cookies lardass..

y/n- whatever. 

sona-sheesh! anyway thank you..

y/n-alright!! anyway i must go! smartass!!

sona-wha- sigh! whatever!!

y/n walk away to sona's room.

tsubaki- that was odd?? he never brings us drinks and cookies.

sona- well let me try first may be he pull something stupid again.

sona sips the drink to her shock it was apple juice.

sona- well it was safe it's only apple juice.

new student council member- why are you so observant to what y/n bring us drinks and cookies?

tsubaki- you never know what he brings this was rare for him to do something like this.

new student council member-why??

sona-not only y/n is the biggest trouble maker. that idiot was also the biggest prankster here..if he brings us something like this.  expect he was pulling some pranks to us. he did that to all of us. but he is rarely pulling a pranks to us girls. his main target was issei vali and saji. sometimes azazel and my sister.

tsubaki- don't let your guard down he could do something to you any time.

new student council member- gulp! 

sona-ohh please his pranks was just minor. he is a very choosy prankster.

new student council member- most of the boys here. where are they usually found when they don'd do something.

sona-all boys are in the gaming room. or in the entertainment room. but that was for boy's..we have the same type of room but it's only for girls.

tsubaki- anyway where is bikuo and kuroka??

new student council member-huh? you know kuroka and bikuo sensei??

sona- yep! both of them are the servants of vali the guy with silver hair,

new student council member- eehhh!! our teachers are also the servant of vali!!

tsubaki- yep! but those two are husband and wife.

sona-any way those two are making their lesson may be.

tsubaki-they know y/n was here?

sona-nope they have no idea!

new student council member-any way what are those rare head that was hanging on the walls??

katase-those were the monsters that y/n's slayed. 

new student council member-what! are they real?? and looks like dragon type?

murayama-well it was a dragon type and those are real! i think it was griffin? and wyvern.

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