"Lara, what are you talking about?" I asked.

"Why the fuck would you go to war and not tell me? Why the hell was I not called to join the alliance?"

"You were on your fucking honeymoon" I answered.

"So? Do you really think I wouldn't postpone my honeymoon?"

"You are such an idiot! The war started when you were there, you were already there. Also, I wouldn't want Catherine killing me, if you were to go back home with a small scratch, she would have brought down hell on me. She hates me!"

"Why wouldn't she? You claimed to love her mate" Lara said casually. Heather looked our way when she heard what Lara had said.

I knew Heather was listening to the conversation, we weren't exactly having a secret conversation. Heather looked at me from the corner of her eye. I shifted in the bed, I felt like she was scrutinizing me.

"About that, Lara, we need to talk" I said.

"You have found your mate, haven't you?" she asked.

I sighed and nodded my head. She knew what I was going to say, she understood it. She was the one who told me that one day I would realize that I didn't love her as much as I love my mate.

"I knew it! You finally realized that you didn't love me?"

"No, I know that I loved you. I never lied when I said that I loved you. Of course, after finding my own mate, I realized that the love I had for you was different. I was never in love with you, I was in love with the idea of you and I. I loved you but, it was more platonic than romantic. I failed to realize that at that age, I couldn't make out the difference between love and true affection. You were the only girlfriend who actually showed me kindness and affection without wanting anything in return. Silly me, I thought it was love because I never dated the right girls. I am sorry for causing so much trouble at your wedding, I was wrong. It was so fucking wrong of me, I am sorry."

"I knew you would realize it. It was the same for me. Like I told you at the wedding, I, too thought that I was in love with you but when I found my mate, I realized what true love is" Lara said.

"What happened at the wedding?" Heather questioned. She was now facing us, she was listening keenly.

I blushed at the question while Lara burst out laughing. I was truly ashamed of what I had done but what else would I do? 16 year old me thought that I was in love, I couldn't help it.

"Well, since she was my last girlfriend before I found my mate and also because she is really nice, I invited her to my wedding. She came to the wedding, she tried to convince me to run away with her when that didn't work out she gathered me and Catherine in a room and proposed a throuple which was immediately turned down. Catherine even kicked her for even proposing that idea. When that idea didn't work, she decided to kidnap my bride" Lara narrated.

"What the fuck? You kidnapped her bride?" Heather began laughing.

"I was 16 and dumb. I thought, I was in love" I retorted.

"That isn't even the most interesting part" Lara said.

"You already have my attention" Heather said, leaning forward.

Lara started narrating the story "Well, so she kidnapped Catherine and drove off. What she didn't know was that I was tracking them using my phone. Catherine had her phone with her, we found them with the help of find my phone app. After she realized that we were right on her tail, she drove off in the direction of a hill. Now, we had a hostage situation at hand. If I wanted Catherine alive then I shouldn't marry her, that was the condition. Cooper wouldn't give up, her parents had come, her grandparents had also come to try and talk some sense into her but we all failed. That was until, Catherine finally promised her that we both wouldn't get married unless and until Cooper gave us her blessing."

Towards My Destiny (Lesbian)(Completed)Where stories live. Discover now