Chapter 172: villains alike

Start from the beginning

"But what was something like that doing here on the common room table?" Aizawa asked.

She scratched the back of her neck."Do you guys remember Orochimaru? The snake guy by the beach?"

Immediately they stared at her knowing exactly who she was talking about.

"What about him?" Kirishima asked displeased knowing Orochimaru managed to kidnap them with ease.

"I didn't just receive the news of Master Jiraiya's death yesterday. I also received Orochimaru's death." She flipped over to where Orochimaru's profile was. She showed them the crossed out profile that belong to the snake user.

"Wait. Your master is dead?" Midoriya asked.

"Midoriya." Aizawa scolded in a hushed tone. (Y/n) looked away with a saddened expression.

"S-sorry..." It was the only thing that came out of Midoriya's mouth. He didn't know.

(Y/n) moved on from the subject and continued. "I was planning to inform Aizawa sensei later today but i guess i have no other choice. Kakashi sensei came here and gave me a warning. Reports says that Sasuke killed Orochimaru and fled the base. With Orochimaru gone, his test subjects escaped and are out and running about. They could end up here."

"How sure are they?" Aizawa asked.

"Kakashi sensei said he encountered some while he was on a mission." She shakily sighed. "Not only is his test subjects on the lose, his followers as well. There's bound to be trouble where ever they are."

"Psh! If those suckers try anything ill kill them!" Bakugou yelled.

"Do you know anything about the test subjects and his followers?" Todoroki asked.

"Yeah maybe we can keep an eye out or something if anything goes fishy." Uraraka said worriedly.

(Y/n) shook her head disappointed. "Some of Orochimaru's experiments and followers look like regular people. Some have a deformities that could look like it was molded together or some human-animal hybrid so they can easily fit in with the society here. The only thing that separates them, aside from being able to use chakra is the marks on their necks that Orochimaru left behind. The same mark that turned Sasuke into that monster looking thing back at the beach." She paused. "Not all of them look the same though. Each mark is unique to the other."

"This... This is a lot to take in..." Momo said.

"Im sorry for binging you guys into this..." She bowed an apologized.

"Is there anything else we should know about (y/n)?" Aizawa asked. Although he didn't want to hear it he had a feeling he had to.

She looked at Aizawa then looked away. "Itachi Uchiha is dead."

They knew who Itachi was. Only a handful of them actually saw Itachi or rather a hologram of the said man.

"Didn't he try to kill you back in Camino?" Bakugou asked angered by her sad expression. How could she be sad for someone who tried to kill her?

"Oi Bakugou!" Kirishima scolded his friend.

"What? Don't tell me you're convinced that Itachi guy is actually good!"

"Still! He meant a lot to (y/n)."

An argument started between the two which was getting louder and louder.

"Its alright." (Y/n) said causing them to stop. She shook her head looking down at her twiddling fingers. "I don't expect you to understand but my point still stands. Sasuke was the one who killed Itachi. He longed for that day. Now that he did what he wanted i have to find out what his next move is." She paused. "Its unlikely he will stay low and hide. It's not like him."

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