51.2:"Burden on the hearts".

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Maya sighs opening the door as a shriek leave her lips to find her brother there. She smiles sheepishly, "Bhai, you love me, right?"

He crosses his hand over his chest, "I do love you. That still doesn't explain why you never share with me about your feelings and you shared with a person we have hated for years in a minute".

Maya sighs holding his hand, "She is not bad if you talk to her nicely. She saved me. She didn't hurt me. She listens to me. And she is a woman".

"So you needed a feminine touch?"

"No. But it is easy to talk to her. She is- I don't know. She is just fun". Maya said confused at her own words, "Can you take me out?"

"Clean up".

Maya grins at him, running to the washroom leaving him to wonder about his younger sister words.

Can he think differently about his lifelong enemy? Why did she save his sister? It doesn't make sense to him.

His sister walks downstairs with him. He saw how her sister was more confident maybe because she has a direction now.

His sister stops in front of his father and he can see his aunt eyes burning in her figure. His sister deliberately wore the dress that his aunt had commented about. He felt proud watching how she was fighting back, something he couldn't even do.

"Baba, I am going out to eat". His sister said with an extra sweet smile to which his father melted immediately, "Thank you".

His sister turned around with a wide smile as she walks closer to him.

"Come on". He said with a smile shaking his head

"I will join". Maria said and he stops wanting to refuse

"No". His sister said before he could, "Didn't aunt told you how it is inappropriate to go out with a man who is not your mahram? Isn't that why she send me to an all-girl school?"

He bites his lips watching the duo face morphing into anger and his father's shocked face. His sister turns to him with a grin before running outside and he follows gladly. Maybe his enemy was not that bad.

She heard her father shouting aggressively throwing the things around. He never hits them. He screams, curse, degrade and scare them with his anger.

She clenches her hand entering the room where her mother was crying on her knees and her father was blaming her for everything. Oh, how she wishes she could take her own advice.

Maybe she could give better advice, because she knows exactly what's it all like. Even if she can't fight her circumstances, she wishes someone else does.

She sighs.

"How dare you?" Her father said angrily once his eyes find her, "How dare you defy me?"

"I never did such a thing". She said looking at the ground where the broken guitar laid that was her only precious item in this house

It was gone. Just like all her feelings.

"I never asked you". Her father said pointing his finger at her, "I told you what you were going to do. You cannot say anything back to me. I have been the one who turned you into who you are today. You are meant to pay me back".

She wanted to talk back. She wanted to say all those hurtful things.

"If you don't listen to me, I will divorce your mother". Her father warned and her mother gasped, "You better be in your right mind tomorrow".

Her father pushes past her leaving her to clean the mess he made. The emotional mess that he left behind. She wouldn't have mind cleaning the furniture he broke. But, how was she supposed to fight the battle which was not even visible?

The Tales of love- IITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon