24 | The perfect time

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Matt Walden ft. Joey Kidney - Milestone:
'It's when she walks in that door and you look at her like it's the first time you've ever seen her. And your heart drops, and you are amazed and you can't wait to tell all your friends about this girl. You can't wait to tell your mom about this girl and you simply say to yourself: "This is her, this is the one" That's love'

"I have a few phone calls to make for work. I'll be done soon, okay?" Daniel said while kissing Emilia's forehead after they entered his apartment. Emilia nodded and walked towards the bathroom to change out of her bikini into a simple oversized t-shirt and some shorts. She brushed through her matted hair and pulled it up into a messy bun. When Emilia entered the bedroom again, she fell down onto the bed and pulled her phone out to read some Instagram comments. She had received some hate after announcing their relationship online, but most of the response was lovely. Emilia liked some comments and texted Isabel when she suddenly saw a notification pop up on her screen. It was another email and it had the same letter M. in the description.

Emilia's heart began to pound. She thought it was just a one-time thing, something to scare her with but seeing a follow-up email, startled her. She climbed under the sheets and pulled them up towards her chin before finally having the courage to tap the notification to open it. "MY Em," It started a little less friendly than the previous email and Emilia knew it would only get worse from here. "I didn't expect a response from you, but seeing you didn't even listen to what I told you, really hurt me". Emilia furrowed her brows. Listen? To what? "I told you, you belong with me. You're supposed to be mine. Seeing you with him on that boat today made me angry. And you know what happens when I get angry.." Wait. What? He saw her on the boat today? Does that mean..

Her breath became more shallow and before she knew it, Emilia felt herself getting dizzy. He was here, he saw her on the boat. She had only posted a picture of herself in the water on Instagram and none of the others had posted anything about the boat, so he was telling the truth, he really did see them. Emilia tried to regain her breath to read the rest and she inhaled deeply before she let her eyes glide over the screen again. "I'm only telling you this one more time: come home to me. You're mine, Em and I'm not warning you again. See you soon. -M." Tears formed in Emilia's eyes and sheer panic filled her mind. She couldn't tell Daniel. She was leaving the day after tomorrow and he was flying to America soon for another triple header, she didn't want him to worry about her.

She quickly tried to compose herself when she heard Daniel enter the room and tapped the Instagram icon to make it seem like she was just mindlessly scrolling. "Hey there, pretty girl". He said when he let himself fall on the bed next to her, his head on her lap. "Whatcha doing?" He asked and Emilia let her fingers glide through his soft curls. "Just scrolling through Instagram, replying to some comments". She said, trying not to sound too suspicious. "I had the best day today. The best few days actually. I love having you here.." Everything Daniel ever said sounded so sincere. Emilia couldn't believe that there were men that were actually this loving. She leaned forward to softly peck his lips before he got up to lay down beside her properly.

"I think when you leave here on Friday, it will be the last time you'll see this place". Daniel said and Emilia's brows furrowed. "What? You don't want me to visit anymore?" She shyly asked, preparing herself for the heartbreak she was already imagining. "Of course I want you to visit, silly. I'm probably moving soon, that's all!" Daniel let out a laugh while his hand cupped her cheek. "One of the calls I had just now, was with a real estate agent. I've been planning to move to a bigger place for a while and this just seems like the perfect time". As the overthinker she always was, Emilia's mind instantly started going crazy. 'The perfect time? What does he mean by that?' She showed him a small smile while thinking about her next words before she finally spoke up. "That sounds nice, have you found anything yet?"

Broken Soul ☆ Daniel RicciardoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang