1 | Needing a break

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Juice WRLD - All The Girls Are The Same:
'I just want real love, guess it's been a minute. Pissed off from the way that I don't fit in. Tell me, what's the secret to love? I don't get it. Feel like I be runnin' a race I'm not winnin''

"Come on Mil, it will be fun! You haven't had a break in almost two years.." Gia said while looking at her best friend with big eyes and her hands clutched in front of her chest as if she was begging her. "We're going anyway, so you might as well come. Plus, you can still work while being there. You just need to get out of this space for a while". It had been two years since Emilia started as a freelance social media manager and she hadn't had a break ever since. She could use a little getaway and her friends were right, she could work from anywhere. Emilia had to admit, going to LA for two weeks sounded like heaven right now. "Okay, I'll come.." She said with an exaggerated sigh and Gia and Isabel started jumping around the living room. They had been drinking wine and browsing the best Airbnb's to book all evening and it had sparked the enthusiasm in Emilia. "We're going to have the best time ever!" Isabel said while hugging her two best friends.

Gia grabbed the laptop and soon they had found the perfect Airbnb villa in the California hills to spend their getaway in. They booked for two weeks from now, the beginning of August and Emilia had to admit, she couldn't wait to take a break. She had known Gia and Isabel since high school and even though all of their careers took off the last couple of years, they had never left each other's sides. Emilia did both of their social media work and as a fitness/yoga school owner and model, their brands grew immediately once they hired their friend. It was fun being able to work with her best mates, but growing her client base had been something Emilia was dreaming of all the time. She signed a few Italian models and business owners already, but going to LA could mean meeting new talent or even some established names to manage. And here she was again, thinking about work while planning a fun trip with her friends. Emilia sighed. 'I really need a break..'


"Isa, we really have to go! You have packed ten pairs of shoes already, how many more do you need?" Gia yelled when the girls were almost ready to leave for their trip. Gia had spent the night at Isabel and Emilia's apartment because their flight would leave really early this morning. Emilia was packing some sandwiches for them to eat on the trip over to the airport when Isabel finally rolled her suitcase into the living room. "All done!" She said when she fell down on the sofa. Emilia laughed, she had always admired Isa's ability to be relaxed and carefree in any circumstance. Those qualities were something she lacked massively. People often thought Emilia was really uptight, mainly because she was a huge perfectionist. Maybe that would be another thing to focus on this trip. Living in the moment, letting go of all of her thoughts and saying yes to more opportunities. "Ready to go?" She said to her friends before they placed their suitcases in the boot of the car and headed off to the airport.

After check-in, the girls took a little stroll past all the duty-free stores Firenza airport had to offer and with more bags than they arrived with, they boarded the plane an hour later. Isabel's management had arranged that the girls could fly business class, so when Emilia found her window seat, she got comfortable and started watching the first episode of Orphan Black on her laptop. The temptation to continue with some work was big, but this trip was about letting go, so she prohibited herself from opening all her work documents until the day after tomorrow. This way she forced herself to relax for at least 48 hours before even thinking about her job again. After a few hours in the air, the girls were offered a meal and some complimentary champagne which of course, they couldn't turn down. They chatted about Gia and Isabel's latest boy drama and Emilia applied some moisturiser to her dry skin before the pilot stated they were getting ready to land. The view from the plane window was amazing. Even though Italy was a beautiful country to live in, the California hills looked stunning from this angle and Emilia couldn't wait to explore all of it.

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