33 | And the winner is..

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San Holo - Brighter Days:
'Feels like I'm the only one looking at blue skies, dreaming of old times. Brighter days will come. Looking at blue skies, with you in my mind'

When Michael pulled up at the venue, a young man came over to the car to park it for them. Daniel stepped out and opened the back door to offer his hand to Emilia while she tried not to step on her dress while getting out of the car. The others followed them towards the entrance and a little flash of nerves shot through Emilia's body when she saw the red carpet behind the big doors. Daniel grabbed her hand to reassure her everything would be fine and she quickly looked into his eyes to see if he wanted to go on there together. It would be their first official outing as a couple and the number of photographers here meant that it would definitely be posted all over the internet and social media. Daniel gave her a quick kiss on the cheek before they started walking over towards the red carpet.

"Daniel, Emilia, over here!" They could hear the photographers yell their names and they tried to look at every single one of them before they walked over to the end of the red carpet. They waited for their friends to join them and Emilia nudged her elbow into Daniel side to steer his attention towards Isabel who was full-on posing on the carpet as if she was at a photo shoot. "Once a model, always a model, I guess.." Emilia giggled and soon their friends joined them and the five of them walked over towards more doors that led into a huge room filled with nicely decorated tables, the biggest chandeliers Emilia had ever seen and a large podium with a band that was playing softly while people entered the venue.

There was a girl standing at the side of the doors, waiting to escort them to their table and when Emilia introduced herself, the girl asked them to follow her. There were so many tables and Emilia knew they would get one all for themselves. She had read in the email that every nominee had one table to fill with guests, so she was sure she could bring all of her friends. The girl pointed them to a table on the side of the room and Daniel took a chair to pull it out for her to sit on. "Thank you, love". Emilia said to him and Daniel took his place next to her with Michael on his other side, Gia next to that and Isabel joined Emilia on her left to complete the round table. Soon after they sat down, a waiter walked over to them with a tray full of champagne and handed them all a glass.

Emilia raised her glass and looked across at her friends' faces before she spoke up. "Thank you all so much for joining me this evening and for everything you have done for me these past few months.." She looked at Daniel and Michael. She hadn't known them for that long but they had become so important to her. Daniel was the love of her life, she was sure of it and Michael made her best friend the happiest she has ever been, so for that, she was thankful. "And you girls, you weren't just there for me for the last few months but ever since we stepped into that classroom in freshman year and I will never be able to thank you enough for what you've done for me the last two years. I love you all". Emilia ended her little speech with a look into the eyes of every single person at her table. Her best friends and the love of her life.

"We love you too, Mil". Isabel said while they clinked their glasses together and before they knew it, the lights dimmed in the room and the band started playing a little louder to introduce the presenters of the award show. Emilia felt Daniel's hand on her thigh and he softly stroked the fabric of her dress with his thumb while his gaze was directed at the podium. Emilia looked at his face and couldn't believe this handsome man chose to be with her. It must have been so difficult to get to know her and to try to get her to come out of her shell, but he made it seem so effortless. Emilia placed her hand on top of his on her thigh and squeezed it a bit to catch his attention. "I love you". She quickly told him and Daniel smiled and moved his face over to her ear to whisper that he loved her too before his eyes went back towards the podium where the presenters started naming the nominees of the first award.

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