♡ | Epilogue

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Chance Pena - Hey Lovely:
'If I had the world today, I would throw it all away 'cause all I need is you. All I need is you'

"Mil?" She heard the front door open and even though standing up was a real challenge these days, Emilia slowly got out of the chair she was sitting in to meet her boyfriend at the door. "Well, aren't you looking gorgeous?" He said when he saw her enter the hallway in a pink flowy dress, her big belly prominently sticking out. Daniel wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her firmly before he let his hand wander over her stomach. "Hello, little one. Thank you for waiting until your dad was home again". Emilia giggled. It was the middle of August and Daniel had his summer break but had to go to a business meeting at McLaren for a few days and both of them were terrified of Emilia going into labour while he was gone.

"How are you feeling babe? Still okay?" He asked and Emilia nodded. "Yeah, it's getting really hard to walk around these days and I've been having some contractions, but for the most part, I'm fine. Just trying to rest as much as possible in advance". She said while Daniel guided her back to the chair. He went to the kitchen to make her a cup of tea and admired the beauty of his girlfriend while he watched her through the big archway. She had moved in here right after the winter break and they had barely left each other's sides since. Emilia's business was booming ever since she moved to Monaco and she even bought a little office to work from and hired some staff. Daniel had to force her to take a few weeks off before their baby arrived and even though it was hard for her, she knew she had people helping her now.

"Here you go, angel". He handed her the mug of tea and placed a kiss on her forehead before he told her he would be right back. Daniel grabbed his small suitcase and headed up the stairs towards their bedroom. Before he walked into their room, he stopped at the room next door. Emilia and the girls had finished decorating the little nursery a few weeks ago and it made him smile instantly. They didn't know if they were having a boy or a girl yet, so it was mostly white and neutral tones and it was a perfect reflection of Emilia's style. Daniel was so excited to become a dad and he secretly hoped the baby would come soon, so he would have a few weeks off before the season started to enjoy their newborn.

While Daniel unpacked his suitcase, he heard Emilia enter their room as well. She had brought her mug of tea with her and changed into her nightshirt before she got into bed. Even though it wasn't even 7 o'clock yet, they both knew they would be needing their rest soon, so after he finished unpacking his stuff, Daniel joined her in bed and watched an episode of the series they were watching. After about an hour, he glanced over to see Emilia had fallen asleep. He reached for the remote, turned off the tv and cuddled up to his girlfriend before he let his eyes rest too. "Goodnight, beautiful".

Only a little while later, Emilia woke up with what seemed like the stinging of a knife in the underside of her belly. She slowly stood up and waddled to the bathroom where she bent over the sink and splashed some water in her face. The stinging became worse and these were much more painful than the contractions she had been experiencing for a few days. Emilia pulled her shirt over her head and decided to have a shower, to try and make the pain a little more comfortable. She had to breathe through a few more contractions before she made her way over to the shower. When she stepped in, she felt like something ripped and fluid started pouring down her legs. "Oh my god!" Emilia yelled, panic kicking in immediately. "Daniel! Please, Dan, wake up!"

It didn't take long before she spotted her tired-looking boyfriend enter the bathroom but he was woken up immediately when he saw his naked girlfriend standing over a puddle of fluid on the floor. "It's happening, Dan. My water just broke!" Emilia said and he could see that she was in pain from another contraction when she tried to find something to hold on to. "Okay, easy there babe. Come here.." He grabbed her hands and placed them on his shoulders so she could hold onto him and he started stroking her lower back softly. "Do you still want to take that shower or shall we just go to the hospital?" He asked her and Emilia shook her head. "Contractions are c-coming pretty quickly now, so we h-have to go to the hospital". She said, trying to breathe through the pain.

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