35 | His future

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Matt Cooper - Ain't Met Us Yet:
'Like when Beast saw Belle the very first time. Girl, where next on the list with your hand next to mine. They say nothing last forever, so forget what you read but they ain't met us, no, they ain't met us yet'

A / N: I discovered this song on TikTok a few months ago and haven't been able to stop listening to it. It's perfect for a story like this!

Having Daniel over for multiple days in her apartment for the first time, spending every spare minute they had together, made Emilia realize how toxic her relationship with Marcus really was. Of course, there was the obvious abuse when he was drunk, but he never made her a cup of coffee in the morning or offered to cook dinner when she was busy. He never told her how beautiful she looked, especially when she had taken off all of her makeup and was just wearing sweats. Daniel had been training with Michael two times a day, a run in the morning and a gym session at night, but between those two, she loved spending time with him. It made her sad to think that he would be leaving to go to Australia soon, but she was happy that he would be able to see his family again and go back to his home country. It was Thursday and Daniel would be leaving on Monday, so she didn't really have to worry about it just yet.

Emilia walked over to the fridge and got out all the ingredients needed to make some pancakes for breakfast. She whisked the mix up and placed the frying pan on the stove before she poured some of the liquid in. Daniel was due to come back from his morning run any minute now and she wanted to surprise him with breakfast, just like he had done yesterday morning. Her laptop played some music in the background and Emilia softly sang along with the song she had just discovered through TikTok. "Like when Jack told Rose that she's the one. Like when Cinderella fell for that prince at the ball. Like when Johnny asked Baby for one more dance and Noah asked Allie to take his hand". She was placing the pancakes onto a plate and was so caught up in the song that she didn't hear Daniel come home.

Daniel admired his girlfriend for a while, preparing breakfast for the both of them while she was singing along beautifully to the song that was playing. He had never heard her sing before, but her voice amazed him. He didn't want to scare her so he pretended that he had just walked in when she turned around. "Hey baby, that smells amazing!" His hand curled around her waist and he placed a kiss on her forehead which made her eyes flutter closed for a second. "You're right on time, sit down, I'll grab you your juice as well.." Emilia said and Daniel smiled at her before he walked over to the table, his legs feeling sore from the long run he had just been on with Michael. A few seconds later, Emilia walked over with two plates of pancakes and fruit and his obligatory juice bottle of the day. "Thank you so much, Mil". He said before they started their breakfast together.

Daniel pushed his plate a little further up the table, completely full from the amazing food. He leaned back against his chair and looked at his girlfriend across from him. "I have been thinking about something.." He started, his heart beginning to beat a little faster from the anticipation of asking her this. Emilia tilted her head a little and furrowed her brows while she was still busy eating her breakfast. Daniel cleared his throat and spoke up again. "Well, because of everything that happened, I really don't want you to be alone again. And I know he's been arrested and he won't be bothering you anymore, but I just want you close to me as much as possible". Daniel could see a curious look appear in Emilia's eyes and he couldn't wait any longer.

"Do you want to come to Australia and the other two races with me?" He finally asked and Emilia's mouth fell open. He remembered the answer she gave him when he had asked her which country she really wanted to visit so it meant a lot to her. "You can work from there and you'll not be alone as often anymore.." Emilia stood up and Daniel could see her eyes were a bit glossy due to tears forming in them. He scooted his chair backwards when she stood next to him and Emilia sat down on his lap, wrapping her arms around his neck to give him a big hug. "I really want you to meet my parents.." He finished his pitch while gently stroking his hands all over her back. He could feel her finally pull back and looked into her gorgeous brown eyes. "I would love to, Dan. That sounds amazing!" She finally said before she leaned in to kiss him.

Broken Soul ☆ Daniel RicciardoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora