23 | What friends are for

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Dekleyn - Chasing Dreams:
'Step outside and realise it's you I'm chasing all my life. And I've been saving this for now, your favourite song is all I want. And I've been holding this too long 'cause you've been chasing dreams for a while'

A / N: Okay, but that gif.. 🤤🧡

W A R N I N G: mention of mature content

Emila woke up around 8.30 the next morning with her head on her boyfriend's chest. His arms were wrapped around her and she could hear him softly snoring beside her. They were having a boat day today and Emilia was very excited. It reminded her of her first date with Daniel and having their best friends there, would be even better. She decided to get up out of bed and make that breakfast she wanted to make for Daniel yesterday before she got distracted. She hadn't really thought about that e-mail anymore. Emilia was sure it was just a one-time thing to scare her and she was safe in Monaco anyway.

She strolled towards the kitchen, checking the notifications on her phone in the meantime. There were no creepy emails and she felt relieved. There was a text from Isabel and Emilia knew she was up already because she woke up very early every day. She decided to FaceTime her friend while she made breakfast. "Good morning, you beauty!" Emilia said to her best friend when her beaming face came on the screen and Isabel nearly screamed, finally able to talk to her bestie again. "You have to tell me everything! Like literally everything!" Isabel said and Emilia giggled. "Well I'm not going into detail but.." She lowered her voice to a whisper after checking if Daniel hadn't entered the room. "We did have sex a couple of days ago. It was lovely.." Emilia told her friend about their double date at the restaurant, their shopping trip, the surprise jewellery and the boat day they had planned.

Isabel sighed deeply. "And I'm working my ass off over here!" She said but laughed straight after. "No, you deserve it Mil, I'm really happy for you". Emilia had finished making the breakfast in the meantime and the girls said goodbye before Emilia took the plate and brought it over to the bedroom. She set it down on Daniel's nightstand and kissed him softly to wake him up. "Good morning, handsome. You ordered some breakfast in bed?" Daniel slowly opened his eyes and his signature smile quickly spread across his face. "Hmm good morning beautiful, I could get used to this, you know.." He said when Emilia handed him the plate while sitting down next to him, starting on her own breakfast.


Emilia got dressed into her bikini and added a white cover-up and some sandals to her feet, while Daniel just put on his swim shorts and a tank top. They filled a bag with a couple of towels, some bottles of water, snacks and sunscreen before they headed out the door. They were meeting Gia and Michael at the harbour and when they arrived, they spotted their friends on a bench, waiting for them. "Good morning, love birds!" Gia said, probably referencing the fact that they were holding hands while walking down the harbour. Emilia gave her best friend and Michael a hug and Daniel did the same before they started walking to the boat they rented for the day. Daniel reached for Emilia's hand again when they were about to enter and he made sure she got on safe.

The boat was a little bigger than the one Daniel had rented for their first date, but it still reminded her of one of the best days of her life. Emilia walked around the deck and placed their bags inside the cabin by a large sofa. Just like last time, they had a captain who would bring them anywhere they wanted to go and within minutes of arriving, the boat left the harbour. There wasn't really a plan, they just wanted to sail for a while. The four of them sat down at the lounge area at the back of the boat and Emilia removed her white cover-up, revealing her blush coloured bikini, not feeling insecure around her boyfriend and their best friends at all. She went back inside to get the sunscreen and applied some on her arms and legs before she asked Daniel to do her back. The friends talked about the last couple of days for a while until they reached a quiet spot where they asked the captain to stop.

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